
Tuesday 29 May 2012

Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles

I am still waiting on most of my gaming supplies, but I thought I'd do a quick WIP post showing off my first painted Song of Arthur and Merlin warband, Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles. Dan Mersey refers to these poor lads as Cei-fodder... Æthelwulf resents that.

They still need to have their bases flocked, and a few little touch ups done here and there when I get a finer brush. The figures are all from pendraken's 10mm Late Roman range - I'm still impressed by the sculpts. I went for a blue, black and white theme with the obligatory browns thrown in for good measure. Originally the shields also included yellow, red and green, but Mrs Hotspur laughed at my so-called rainbow warriors... Æthelwulf resents that too.

;Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles
Æthelwulf the Exile;106;3;4;true;Heavy Armor,Leader,Tough;;
Sigtrygg Silvertongue;50;2;2;true;Bard;;
Hrolf Stoutheart;52;3;4;false;Fearless,Shieldwall,Shooter: Short,Standard Bearer;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;
Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shooter: Short;;


  1. Utterly splendid figures .I had never thought of doing this period in 10mm but am tempted now... What did you use for bases and how have you amended the rules re scale?

    1. All SBH games, including SAM, have set scales for 28mm and for 15mm. I don't really see the need to adapt the scales at all to use 10mm figures - either would work. I'm actually thinking of running these guys using the 28mm scale measurements on a 3'x3' board to begin with and see whether I need to downgrade to a 2'x2' board and the 15mm scale measurements.

      My foot personalities and my standard mounted figures are all on 5p pieces. My mounted personality is on a 1p piece, and all the others are on 8mm(?) diameter washers. They were the best size I could find for them, but costly at B&Q. Ironically its much cheaper using actual money. All bases are then stuck on some adhesive magnetic sheeting.
