
Saturday 9 June 2012

Flavius Constans - just about the last Roman...

In a speedy turn around, I have just managed to get my fourth and final (for now) SAM-in-10mm warband painted up to a satisfactory level - the Milites of Venta Belgarum. They are led by Flavius Constans who reckons that he may be just about the last Roman left in Britain with Imperial blood... but is not too confident about the claim. See below for the WIP photos which are, once again, sadly badly taken. My camera is outside in the car and its cold, so I have been using an older camera which doesn't 'do' macro shots. The  wonderfully sculpted miniatures are all from the Pendraken Late Roman range. They still need to be flocked and touched up, but I'm quite happy with the way they turned out.

Next up, I'm going to start working out a four game campaign to give all the warbands a run. When I'm in a position to play them out, I'll post better pictures and even attempt to record the events in some form of narrative AAR.

;Milites of Venta Belgarum
Flavius Constans, the Penultimate Roman;110;2;4;true;Fearless,Group Fighter,Heavy Armor,Leader;;
Archer;42;3;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;;
Archer;42;3;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;;
Archer;42;3;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;;
Archer;42;3;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;;
Archer;42;3;2;false;Sharpshooter,Shooter: Long;;


  1. I am really enjoying your inspirational 10mm stuff of late .It inspired me to paint up some wargs and heroes for SBH .My figures are Copplestone fantasy.
    I look forward to the battle reports...

  2. Wow, great stuff Harry. Brilliant little figures, painted beautifully.

  3. I can't believe the quality of these 10mm SAM warbands you're churning out. They've actually inspired me to order some of the Pendraken figures for myself to create a warband or two for Dux Bellorum. Great stuff.
