
Showing posts from February, 2016

Pendraken Painting Competition 2016

Unbelievably, if is nearing the end of February already! Every year, one of my favourite manufacturer, Pendraken , host a painting competition in February which is supported by very generous prizes and generally attracts tons of high quality entries. I've been mostly distracted by 6mm projects and Galleys & Galleons over the last last year, so the amount of Pendraken lead that I have managed to paint since the last competition is minimal. However, I do have a couple of Pendraken sculpts, painted up for the G&G fantasy expansion that I'll pop in - but not hold my breath. Daughters of Ægir – Norse personifications of the waves, the nine sisters were the daughters of the giant, Ægir, and the sea goddess, Rán. (Pendraken code FAN-MON3 Water elementals) Q3 C3 Creature, Magical: Hydromancer, Shallow draft, Spectral, Submersible Triton – A Greek sea deity, the son and herald of Poseidon, lord of all the Seas, Triton conveyed his father’s wishes to all those creatures...

The 3rd Northern Irish Song of Blades and Heroes Competition

Ganesha Games , in association with Wee Gamers , presents the Cú Chulainn Cup The 3 rd Northern Irish Song of Blades and Heroes Competition When? Sunday 31 st July 2016, 10.00 for a 10.30am kickoff. Where? Whitehead Primary School, 3 Islandmagee Road, Whitehead, Co. Antrim BT38 9NE. The competition, consisting of five rounds, will be run over a single day. Each round will be completed in 45 minutes plus the current turn. Victory points will still be awarded for uncompleted games, but neither player will be awarded the win. Players will be ranked during and at the end of the competition by their number of wins. In the event of tied results, the cumulative number of victory points will be used to decide ranking. Players will be matched in each round according to a modified Swiss system. After the first round, players will be paired according to ranking – i.e. the two highest ranked players will meet, as will the two lowest ranked players etc. Special consideration ...

Pleasant feedback

I receive my fair share of emails - many of them offering me shares in Guatemalan railways, or pleas from Nigerian ex-presidents with millions that they would like me to store for them. Never-the-less, what a pleasant surprise it was, this morning, to get this bit of feedback! Note that certain words have been redacted to avoid those with a litigious bent. I just wanted to give some kudos to you on your Irreglar Wars and Galleys and Galleons rules. I picked them up off Wargame Vault a few weeks ago and was instantly drawn to the innovative army generation the scale of the battles and the small space requirements. I pulled out some 30mm steel bases and pushed them around on the table to try the mechanics, Again clean and refreshing. No offence to the man is intended but I've just grown sick to death of the ######## mechanics that everyone I game with loves. ######### to ##### ###### to #### ######. It's all the same to me. I also appreciate the simple old school format with...

Galleys & Galleons - Carried on a warm breeze

Flying carpet  – Skimming over the waves in support of Arabian fleets, these small, delicate but manoeuverable, flying rugs are enchanted by powerful sorcerers with the sole purpose of allowing them to cast spells from the most effective position. Q2 C0 Gyrocopter, Magical (player chooses school)

Bread and Circuses - Keeping the Mob Entertained

Last weekend I took my 6mm setup for Bread and Circuses  up to the Wee Gamers Bunker at Whitehead. We had six players having a go - it was the first time that I had tested the game with more than four - and I have to say, the mob seemed entertained. Each player ran a single chariot, and from turn one there was foul play and reckless driving a plenty. I was delighted to see how additional players expanded the game from a simple race into a full blown battle of wits, angst and broken axel shafts. Here are a few endorsements posted on Friendface following the event. "So Last night a few of us got to play test yet another game in the pipeline for Nic. This time 6mm chariot racing fun.....and it was. Plenty of straight up racing but lots of opportunity for skulduggery and larking. Not allowed to say too much about the game in detail yet, but I can say this, everyone had a good laugh!" "Was super fun esp with a big group" "What started off as Roman Chariot racing qu...

6mm Painting Masterclass…

Ok, let’s be honest. This will certainly not be anything even remotely resembling a ‘masterclass’. It might not even be a tutorial. What this post is intended to be, is more of a 6mm painting cheat sheet. I’ve been asked a number of times now to put a blog post up showing stage-by-stage how I paint my 6mm miniatures, so here goes. I’ll list a few general thoughts about painting 6mm (AKA the finest of scales) first, and then have a mini phot tutorial. I’ll preface absolutely everything by saying that I am not a first class painter by any standard. I am competent, but I am also very slow. It’ll take me half a day (as in 6 hours straight) to paint three, or maybe four, 28mm figures. In the same time I could be several hundred 6mm chaps. CARDINAL RULES Start with a detailed range of figures. I like Baccus and Rapier ancients/medieval because they are (generally) sculpted with a bit of an exaggerated style with high relief. This is going to be important. Baccus co...