Devilry Afoot: Samhain 1624 (part 1) - the Rutland Revenants
The first in a three-part dispatch from Mark relating events recently transpired in Rutlandshire...
The ancient festival of Samhain, celebrated at the end of October in modern reckoning, marks the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. According to Wikipedia it’s pronounced SAH-wen and is a time when the boundary between the living and the dead becomes liminal, and the spirits of ancestors are honoured and propitiated.
So it seems appropriate that Revenants (undead) came into Rutlandshire just at this time. Coincidence? I think not.
Writing many years later but drawing on stories he had heard first-hand, the antiquary and gossip John Aubrey recorded the only narrative we have of this terrifying chapter in the history of the East Midlands. I have used his notes (unpublished ms in the Ashmolean) as the basis for these reports.
There were two “human” revenants, in the form of ghastly horsemen, said to be dead cavalry soldiers or huntsmen. One wore a red coat and was known as Judas, while the other, in a green coat, was called Pilate. They were accompanied by revenant hunting-hounds, which varied in number but were fiends exactly like the horsemen.

The first recorded incident of the visitation came when a large party of travellers was attacked on the road from Uppingham to Corby. We don’t know why they were abroad at night, but possibly had lost their way and been overtaken by darkness. The travellers were well-armed and keeping together for fear of highwaymen, but they would have been happier to encounter some of that brotherhood rather than what they actually met.
The party comprised six hunters -

The hunters are pictured above, L-R in the order they are listed. And there were also eight Innocents, shown here -

Here’s a bats-eye view of the location of the incident, which happened when the vehicles had been halted to rest the horses and allow the travellers a few moments to stretch their legs. Both coach and cart have lanterns on brackets and harness, illuminating the entire bases of each and the usual 4” all around. At first the travellers heard rather than saw the approaching danger, from the sounds of galloping hooves and the baying of the hounds coming from the SW.

I decided to write this AAR blow-by blow, mostly for my own benefit to refresh my familiarity with the rules. Apologies if there’s an excess of detail. The following reports will be less prolix.
Turn 1. The chit-pull sequence was IHMHHHMH (Hunters, Innocents, Monsters).
The Innocents activated first and naturally scattered in various directions, counting as Unaware. However a surprising number of those on the W side of the road headed into the abandoned sheep enclosure.
The first hunter to realise what was happening was Rev Hatte. He sprinkled holy water* on himself and Fairfax. Then the Revanants came into play, though none moved far enough to contact a human and two failed to move forward at all.
[Note: I ruled that the effect of holy water giving a +1 Resolve mod to a hunter against Charms and Intimidation would also work against the stench of death emanating from Revenants]
Jenkins was the nearest human to the onrushing fiends, and he activated next, though getting only 1 action (affected by their nauseating stench of death). He fired his blunderbuss at Judas at close range, hitting the undead horseman, inflicting 1W. Then Poole activated 2 actions). He was in the enclosure. He moved up to the S wall and discharged his piece over it, also at Judas (who was illuminated by the lanterns on the cart) scoring another 1W. Then Cargill had his chance but failed both attempts.
Then the revenants activated again. Judas had been shot at so attacked Jenkins causing the hunter 1W. An undead hound was within 6” of Jenkins and also attacked him, but failed to hit, so Jenkins struck back with his piece as an improvised weapon, getting in a solid whack and causing the hound 2W. Another hound was able to scramble across the sheep-pen wall and attack Poole but also failed, so Poole also fought back, dishing out 1W. The other revenant horseman (Pilate) and the last hound, didn’t move far enough to make contact.
Last to move were Fairfax, followed by his man Browne. Fairfax came around the rear end of the cart, but Browne, succeeding on only attempt, ended up behind his master, on the road.

Turn 2. Chit-pull sequence: HMIHHHMH.
Fairfax and Browne led the activations this time. Fairfax advanced cautiously, with Browne coming up behind and shooting his pistol at Pilate, but missing.
The fiends pulled the next chit. The hound in contact with Poole attacked and failed, tho the hunter’s opportunity attack missed too. Judas and the hound attacking Jenkins continued their work, he ended up with 2W. Pilate rode past his fellow horseman, contacting an Innocent but failing to wound her. The third hound also got to move at last, stalking towards Fairfax.
Then the Innocents activated. Some were now Aware and began to flee, but most were still Unaware and milled around.
Jenkins went next, with 2 actions despite his 2W handicap and the stench. He drew his sword and attacked Judas, inflicting another 2W. Then Poole, with only 1 success, used his blunderbuss as an improvised weapon to attack the hound in contact with him, but failed to cause another W. Cargill however got 2 activations and took an aimed shot at Pilate (as the Innocent in contact had fled away), causing Pilate 1W.
The Revenants now took their second chit. The hound attacking Poole in the enclosure attacked again, but missed, as did Poole’s opportunity response. Both Judas and the hound attacking Jenkins failed in their attacks. Pilate stayed put, not moving (1D10-3” = <1’). As did the hound that had been stalking Fairfax.
Last to activate this turn was Rev Hatte. He got two activations, using them to move up onto the bed of the cart, from which raised position he could get a good view of the action.

Turn 3. Chit-pull sequence: HHHHHMIM.
Rev Hatte went first this time, with two activations. He sprinkled holy water on Judas, failing to “wound” the monster but causing it to flee, ending in the shadows of the felled tree. Then he used his last vial to sprinkle holy water on Jenkins, to strengthen his resolve in the fight with the revenant hound. Then Fairfax and Browne activated: Fairfax (2 activations) moved into contact with the hound facing him and attacked but failed to wound it. Browne failed his activation rolls, frozen with fear.
Jenkins went next, fortified by the holy water which partly compensates for the loss of resolve arising from his 2W, but still failed to activate. Poole, on a single activation, continued fighting his hound, inflicting another 1W. Then Cargill used his sole activation to reload his flintlock musket.
The Revenants went next. Pilate moved towards Cargill, the nearest human in LOS, but couldn’t reach him. Judas, hiding in the shadows, moved towards Fairfax but likewise fell short. Of the hounds, the ones attacking Poole and Jenkins missed their attacks, and the third one contacted Fairfax then missed its attack.
The Innocents mostly completed fleeing off the table. Though 3/8, including the only remaining Unaware one, are still in play, in the tree line to the E of the road.
To end the turn the Revenants pulled their second chit. Pilate finally moved into contact with Cargill, but missed his attack. Judas came to a halt 1” from Fairfax. The hound attacking Fairfax caused him 1W. The hounds attacking Poole and Jenkins again failed their attacks.

In photo #7 above, the 5/8 escaped Innocents are grouped in the NW corner. The 3 still in play are hidden by the trees on the R of the cloth. In the sheep-pen Poole is fighting a revenant hound. In the distance Cargill is fighting Pilate (green-coated horseman). Rev Hatte is standing on the cart. To the L of the cart, Jenkins is fighting another hound. Browne is at the tail of the cart, and Fairfax (blue coat) is at bottom of shot, in contact with another hound, and with Judas (red-coated horseman) closing in.
Monsters have wounds indicated by red tokens. Hunters’ wounds are pink tokens.
Turn 4. Chit-pull sequence: HMHMIHHH
Fairfax and Browne kicked off this time. Fairfax attacked but failed to wound the hound. Browne overcame his fear with two activation successes. He reloaded his pistol and moved into contact with the hound harassing his master.
Then the fiends came to life. Fairfax took a 2nd wound from his hound. Poole avoided damage from his hound’s attack and inflicted another 1W on the monster. Jenkins likewise avoided damage but couldn’t manage to counterstrike. Pilate attacked Cargill, inflicting 1W. Judas moved into contact with Fairfax, and inflicted a 3rd wound, so Fairfax is OOA!
Jenkins inflicts 3W on the hound attacking him.
The fiends return to the attack! Poole takes 1W. Cargill escapes as Pilate misses his attack, and Jenkins escapes similarly. Browne is attacked by the third hound and is OOA (3W).
Two more Innocents escape the table. But one, still Unaware, is wandering about. She turns … and is now Aware.
Poole gets only 1 activation, and continues fighting the hound in the sheep-pen, but fails to wound it further. Cargill likewise fails to wound Pilate. Lastly, Rev Hatte gets two action points. He jumps down from the cart, and attacks “Jenkins’s hound” from the rear … and fails to wound it.

Turn 5: Chit-pull sequence MMHHI
With John Fairfax Esq and his man Browne OOA, 1 x H chit is removed from the pull box. Jenkins (2W), Poole (1W), Cargill and Rev Hatte are fighting on. Hunters are OOA with a third wound.
The Revenants “die” when they receive a sixth wound. One is on 5W, another on 4W, and others on 3W and 1W. Only one is yet uninjured.
The Revenants get first chit this turn. Poole escapes further damage and strikes back inflicting another 1W on the hound in the sheep-pen. Cargill’s luck is all out though, as Pilate renders him OOA with 3W. The hound attacking Jenkins fails its attack and Jenkins kills it with a final 1W. The hound that brought down Browne attacks Rev Hatte, but misses, and Hatte gives it 1W. Judas, after felling Fairfax last time, moves towards Jenkins but cannot make contact this time.
Then the Revenants get the next chit too. Pilate doesn’t move, and stays next to the fallen Cargill. Poole takes another 1W from his hound. Hatte’s hound fails to wound him. Judas attacks Jenkins and lays him low with a third wound.
Poole fails to activate, as does Hatte. The last Innocent makes it off the table.

Turn 6. Chit-pull sequence: HMMH
Of the Hunters, only Poole (2W) and Rev Hatte are still in play. But all the Innocents have escaped to safety. Of the Revenants, one is dead, two others are on 4/6 wounds, two others are on 1/6 wounds.
Poole activates first, one success. He presses his attack on the hound. If he can kill it, he may be able to escape this disaster. He does a concentrated attack, but fails, luckily the hound’s riposte fails too.
The Revenants continue their frenzied attacks. Perhaps a bit too frenzied. Hatte's hound misses, and the Rev dishes it another 1W. Poole’s hound fils too, but so dies Poole’s opportunity attack. Pilate finishes gloating over Cargill's prone body and begins to co e ba k towards the remaining action. Judas fails to activate.
The Revenants again get two chits in a row. Poole falls with a 3rd wound. Hatte dishes another 1W to the hound unsuccessfully attacking him, but is then in turn attacked by Judas, who fails to wound him.
The Rev John Hatte, last hunter standing, activates last, two successes, and does a concentrated attack on Judas. But fails to wound him.

It’s not clear how Hatte escaped from this scene of carnage, but he did, and it is likely his stories of the event, told to his young daughter Mary (later wife of the Bishop of Thetford, and a friend of Samuel Pepys) were a key source for Aubrey.
When news spread through the County, terror at the attack itself, and at the fate of the hunters, was mitigated by relief at the escape of so many of the travellers. It was also evident that many of the Revenants had been badly hurt, even killed, and hopes rose that no further events would occur. And at first, as days turned to weeks, that optimism seemed justified.
More anon.
The ancient festival of Samhain, celebrated at the end of October in modern reckoning, marks the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter. According to Wikipedia it’s pronounced SAH-wen and is a time when the boundary between the living and the dead becomes liminal, and the spirits of ancestors are honoured and propitiated.
So it seems appropriate that Revenants (undead) came into Rutlandshire just at this time. Coincidence? I think not.
Writing many years later but drawing on stories he had heard first-hand, the antiquary and gossip John Aubrey recorded the only narrative we have of this terrifying chapter in the history of the East Midlands. I have used his notes (unpublished ms in the Ashmolean) as the basis for these reports.
There were two “human” revenants, in the form of ghastly horsemen, said to be dead cavalry soldiers or huntsmen. One wore a red coat and was known as Judas, while the other, in a green coat, was called Pilate. They were accompanied by revenant hunting-hounds, which varied in number but were fiends exactly like the horsemen.

The first recorded incident of the visitation came when a large party of travellers was attacked on the road from Uppingham to Corby. We don’t know why they were abroad at night, but possibly had lost their way and been overtaken by darkness. The travellers were well-armed and keeping together for fear of highwaymen, but they would have been happier to encounter some of that brotherhood rather than what they actually met.
The party comprised six hunters -
- John Fairfax Esq. Gentleman, Quick reflexes, Wolf-bitten. Sword (5s in pocket).
- Browne. Follower. Pistol.
- Rev. John Hatte. Religious, Astrologer (2D10=2, 4). Slovenly. Holy item, Holy water x3, Club (walking stick) (2s in pocket).
- Jenkins. Goodman, Penitent, Swift, Backslider. Sword, Blunderbuss (5s in pocket).
- Poole. Goodman, Devout, Lone wolf, Gambler. Sword, Blunderbuss (4s in pocket).
- Cargill. Goodman, Penitent, Strong, Flagellant. Flintlock (0s in Pocket).

The hunters are pictured above, L-R in the order they are listed. And there were also eight Innocents, shown here -

Here’s a bats-eye view of the location of the incident, which happened when the vehicles had been halted to rest the horses and allow the travellers a few moments to stretch their legs. Both coach and cart have lanterns on brackets and harness, illuminating the entire bases of each and the usual 4” all around. At first the travellers heard rather than saw the approaching danger, from the sounds of galloping hooves and the baying of the hounds coming from the SW.

I decided to write this AAR blow-by blow, mostly for my own benefit to refresh my familiarity with the rules. Apologies if there’s an excess of detail. The following reports will be less prolix.
Turn 1. The chit-pull sequence was IHMHHHMH (Hunters, Innocents, Monsters).
The Innocents activated first and naturally scattered in various directions, counting as Unaware. However a surprising number of those on the W side of the road headed into the abandoned sheep enclosure.
The first hunter to realise what was happening was Rev Hatte. He sprinkled holy water* on himself and Fairfax. Then the Revanants came into play, though none moved far enough to contact a human and two failed to move forward at all.
[Note: I ruled that the effect of holy water giving a +1 Resolve mod to a hunter against Charms and Intimidation would also work against the stench of death emanating from Revenants]
Jenkins was the nearest human to the onrushing fiends, and he activated next, though getting only 1 action (affected by their nauseating stench of death). He fired his blunderbuss at Judas at close range, hitting the undead horseman, inflicting 1W. Then Poole activated 2 actions). He was in the enclosure. He moved up to the S wall and discharged his piece over it, also at Judas (who was illuminated by the lanterns on the cart) scoring another 1W. Then Cargill had his chance but failed both attempts.
Then the revenants activated again. Judas had been shot at so attacked Jenkins causing the hunter 1W. An undead hound was within 6” of Jenkins and also attacked him, but failed to hit, so Jenkins struck back with his piece as an improvised weapon, getting in a solid whack and causing the hound 2W. Another hound was able to scramble across the sheep-pen wall and attack Poole but also failed, so Poole also fought back, dishing out 1W. The other revenant horseman (Pilate) and the last hound, didn’t move far enough to make contact.
Last to move were Fairfax, followed by his man Browne. Fairfax came around the rear end of the cart, but Browne, succeeding on only attempt, ended up behind his master, on the road.

Turn 2. Chit-pull sequence: HMIHHHMH.
Fairfax and Browne led the activations this time. Fairfax advanced cautiously, with Browne coming up behind and shooting his pistol at Pilate, but missing.
The fiends pulled the next chit. The hound in contact with Poole attacked and failed, tho the hunter’s opportunity attack missed too. Judas and the hound attacking Jenkins continued their work, he ended up with 2W. Pilate rode past his fellow horseman, contacting an Innocent but failing to wound her. The third hound also got to move at last, stalking towards Fairfax.
Then the Innocents activated. Some were now Aware and began to flee, but most were still Unaware and milled around.
Jenkins went next, with 2 actions despite his 2W handicap and the stench. He drew his sword and attacked Judas, inflicting another 2W. Then Poole, with only 1 success, used his blunderbuss as an improvised weapon to attack the hound in contact with him, but failed to cause another W. Cargill however got 2 activations and took an aimed shot at Pilate (as the Innocent in contact had fled away), causing Pilate 1W.
The Revenants now took their second chit. The hound attacking Poole in the enclosure attacked again, but missed, as did Poole’s opportunity response. Both Judas and the hound attacking Jenkins failed in their attacks. Pilate stayed put, not moving (1D10-3” = <1’). As did the hound that had been stalking Fairfax.
Last to activate this turn was Rev Hatte. He got two activations, using them to move up onto the bed of the cart, from which raised position he could get a good view of the action.

Turn 3. Chit-pull sequence: HHHHHMIM.
Rev Hatte went first this time, with two activations. He sprinkled holy water on Judas, failing to “wound” the monster but causing it to flee, ending in the shadows of the felled tree. Then he used his last vial to sprinkle holy water on Jenkins, to strengthen his resolve in the fight with the revenant hound. Then Fairfax and Browne activated: Fairfax (2 activations) moved into contact with the hound facing him and attacked but failed to wound it. Browne failed his activation rolls, frozen with fear.
Jenkins went next, fortified by the holy water which partly compensates for the loss of resolve arising from his 2W, but still failed to activate. Poole, on a single activation, continued fighting his hound, inflicting another 1W. Then Cargill used his sole activation to reload his flintlock musket.
The Revenants went next. Pilate moved towards Cargill, the nearest human in LOS, but couldn’t reach him. Judas, hiding in the shadows, moved towards Fairfax but likewise fell short. Of the hounds, the ones attacking Poole and Jenkins missed their attacks, and the third one contacted Fairfax then missed its attack.
The Innocents mostly completed fleeing off the table. Though 3/8, including the only remaining Unaware one, are still in play, in the tree line to the E of the road.
To end the turn the Revenants pulled their second chit. Pilate finally moved into contact with Cargill, but missed his attack. Judas came to a halt 1” from Fairfax. The hound attacking Fairfax caused him 1W. The hounds attacking Poole and Jenkins again failed their attacks.

In photo #7 above, the 5/8 escaped Innocents are grouped in the NW corner. The 3 still in play are hidden by the trees on the R of the cloth. In the sheep-pen Poole is fighting a revenant hound. In the distance Cargill is fighting Pilate (green-coated horseman). Rev Hatte is standing on the cart. To the L of the cart, Jenkins is fighting another hound. Browne is at the tail of the cart, and Fairfax (blue coat) is at bottom of shot, in contact with another hound, and with Judas (red-coated horseman) closing in.
Monsters have wounds indicated by red tokens. Hunters’ wounds are pink tokens.
Turn 4. Chit-pull sequence: HMHMIHHH
Fairfax and Browne kicked off this time. Fairfax attacked but failed to wound the hound. Browne overcame his fear with two activation successes. He reloaded his pistol and moved into contact with the hound harassing his master.
Then the fiends came to life. Fairfax took a 2nd wound from his hound. Poole avoided damage from his hound’s attack and inflicted another 1W on the monster. Jenkins likewise avoided damage but couldn’t manage to counterstrike. Pilate attacked Cargill, inflicting 1W. Judas moved into contact with Fairfax, and inflicted a 3rd wound, so Fairfax is OOA!
Jenkins inflicts 3W on the hound attacking him.
The fiends return to the attack! Poole takes 1W. Cargill escapes as Pilate misses his attack, and Jenkins escapes similarly. Browne is attacked by the third hound and is OOA (3W).
Two more Innocents escape the table. But one, still Unaware, is wandering about. She turns … and is now Aware.
Poole gets only 1 activation, and continues fighting the hound in the sheep-pen, but fails to wound it further. Cargill likewise fails to wound Pilate. Lastly, Rev Hatte gets two action points. He jumps down from the cart, and attacks “Jenkins’s hound” from the rear … and fails to wound it.

Turn 5: Chit-pull sequence MMHHI
With John Fairfax Esq and his man Browne OOA, 1 x H chit is removed from the pull box. Jenkins (2W), Poole (1W), Cargill and Rev Hatte are fighting on. Hunters are OOA with a third wound.
The Revenants “die” when they receive a sixth wound. One is on 5W, another on 4W, and others on 3W and 1W. Only one is yet uninjured.
The Revenants get first chit this turn. Poole escapes further damage and strikes back inflicting another 1W on the hound in the sheep-pen. Cargill’s luck is all out though, as Pilate renders him OOA with 3W. The hound attacking Jenkins fails its attack and Jenkins kills it with a final 1W. The hound that brought down Browne attacks Rev Hatte, but misses, and Hatte gives it 1W. Judas, after felling Fairfax last time, moves towards Jenkins but cannot make contact this time.
Then the Revenants get the next chit too. Pilate doesn’t move, and stays next to the fallen Cargill. Poole takes another 1W from his hound. Hatte’s hound fails to wound him. Judas attacks Jenkins and lays him low with a third wound.
Poole fails to activate, as does Hatte. The last Innocent makes it off the table.

Turn 6. Chit-pull sequence: HMMH
Of the Hunters, only Poole (2W) and Rev Hatte are still in play. But all the Innocents have escaped to safety. Of the Revenants, one is dead, two others are on 4/6 wounds, two others are on 1/6 wounds.
Poole activates first, one success. He presses his attack on the hound. If he can kill it, he may be able to escape this disaster. He does a concentrated attack, but fails, luckily the hound’s riposte fails too.
The Revenants continue their frenzied attacks. Perhaps a bit too frenzied. Hatte's hound misses, and the Rev dishes it another 1W. Poole’s hound fils too, but so dies Poole’s opportunity attack. Pilate finishes gloating over Cargill's prone body and begins to co e ba k towards the remaining action. Judas fails to activate.
The Revenants again get two chits in a row. Poole falls with a 3rd wound. Hatte dishes another 1W to the hound unsuccessfully attacking him, but is then in turn attacked by Judas, who fails to wound him.
The Rev John Hatte, last hunter standing, activates last, two successes, and does a concentrated attack on Judas. But fails to wound him.

It’s not clear how Hatte escaped from this scene of carnage, but he did, and it is likely his stories of the event, told to his young daughter Mary (later wife of the Bishop of Thetford, and a friend of Samuel Pepys) were a key source for Aubrey.
When news spread through the County, terror at the attack itself, and at the fate of the hunters, was mitigated by relief at the escape of so many of the travellers. It was also evident that many of the Revenants had been badly hurt, even killed, and hopes rose that no further events would occur. And at first, as days turned to weeks, that optimism seemed justified.
More anon.