Seleukid civil war - 28mm Fantastic Battles

Having gazed lovingly at all our hard work long enough, Andrew and I sat down for a bit of a laugh and did what any good late Seleukid would do - had a civil war. So it was on for the diadem and the fancy palace in Antioch. Who would win, Antiochos the legitimate king, or his half-brother/cousin/uncle/nephew, Antiochos the other legitimate king?

We only had access to a six foot table which, while perfect for a 1,000 or 1,200 point game of Fantastic Battles, turns out is a bit tight for 1900 points a side! 😁

I tend to steer away from games that are just crowded with figures with no scope for manoeuvre and zero terrain, but as we had already chatted for a while and spent time gazing at the completed project, we were also a little short for time. So we dispensed with both terrian and mishaps, purely to be able to move models around the table and roll dice.

Predictably, there was little scope for cleverness, and much opportunity to have units blocking the way for others. But it was still great craic and looked amazing (if I do say so myself).

My poor scythed chariots were shot at and charged in the flank by skirmishers, so that went well...

Everywhere the lines came together with a crash. Here, as two phalaxes eye each other up, the intervening skirmishers exchange shots and a priest calls down the blessing of the gods.

Being tightly packed, and with multiple large units in play we found, much to Andrew's suffering, that broken units caused more resolve loss to their erstwhile allies than normal. 

The game ran swiftly enough. With only five characters on Andrew's side of the table, and six on mine, each turn was over pretty quickly. However, we have a reckless disregard for the safety of characters in our games - this is especially true of Andrew. This game was no different.

While units had started to break, and losses were mounting up (I think I was at 9/21 breakpoints and Andrew must have been around 13/23), the battle came to a close when my forces managed to cut the head off the proverbial snake, killing or capturing all of Andrew's characters and ensuring that my Antiochos is seen as the true king! At least for now.
