The Workshop of Yoyoskywalker
I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the fine work of YoyoSkywalker, AKA Lionel. He has a great blog which does well to remind all us Anglophones that the world of wargaming is larger than just the UK, North America and the ANZACs.
Lionel's been playing some Irregular Wars in a Central American setting with his own Zapotecs mixing it up against Conquistadors and other Mesoamericans. Check his blog out HERE.
In addition, he's also prepared a French translation of the Irregular Wars 2nd edition quick reference sheets. If you're more comfortable with French than English, I'd advise you to pop over and download a copy when he gets it posted!
Lionel's been playing some Irregular Wars in a Central American setting with his own Zapotecs mixing it up against Conquistadors and other Mesoamericans. Check his blog out HERE.
In addition, he's also prepared a French translation of the Irregular Wars 2nd edition quick reference sheets. If you're more comfortable with French than English, I'd advise you to pop over and download a copy when he gets it posted!