VOC Merchant Fleet

I finally got a chance to paint the last of my 200 point Dutch fleet for Galleys & Galleons this morning (blessed be St Patrick and his most public of holidays). I've had the first four ships waiting around for what seems like an age now, but here they are all together: a merchant fleet in the employment of the VOC - the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (United East Inida Company).
In order of size from largest to smallest we have:
The indiaman Brabant - 52 points
Q3; C4; Chaser guns, Galleon rigged, Merchantman, Veteran NCO
The cromster Haarlem - 48 points
Q3; C3; Galleon rigged, Master Gunner, Merchantman, Shallow draft, Yare
The sloop Nassau - 63 points
Q2; C2; Galleon rigged, Razée, Shallow draft, Yare
The junks Tea Chest (red sails) and Peppercorn (yellow sails) - 16 points a piece
Q3; C2; Lateen rigged, Merchantman, Reinforced hull
Next on the painting agenda, my Barbary Corsairs (four vessels), and a wee sea deity to mix things up a little. The rules are coming along very nicely and I believe that they should be ready for a launch on September 19 - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!