
Showing posts from May, 2012

Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles

I am still waiting on most of my gaming supplies, but I thought I'd do a quick WIP post showing off my first painted Song of Arthur and Merlin warband, Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles. Dan Mersey refers to these poor lads as Cei-fodder... Æthelwulf resents that. They still need to have their bases flocked, and a few little touch ups done here and there when I get a finer brush. The figures are all from pendraken's 10mm Late Roman range - I'm still impressed by the sculpts. I went for a blue, black and white theme with the obligatory browns thrown in for good measure. Originally the shields also included yellow, red and green, but Mrs Hotspur laughed at my so-called rainbow warriors... Æthelwulf resents that too. ;Æthelwulf's Angle Exiles Æthelwulf the Exile;106;3;4;true;Heavy Armor,Leader,Tough;; Sigtrygg Silvertongue;50;2;2;true;Bard;; Hrolf Stoutheart;52;3;4;false;Fearless,Shieldwall,Shooter: Short,Standard Bearer;; Ceorl;36;3;3;false;Shieldwall,Shoo

Irregular Wars at Political Dice

Somewhere in the midst of the chaos of the release of Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End 1.5, followed by 'the big move', James over at Political Dice  posted a inter-web-view with me covering some of the background behind Irregular Wars. For those who haven't seen it, I have reposted it below in another time-poor attempt to keep the blog lit. = ) This is most… Irregular… Posted on   04/22/2012   by   Chairman Asheth Like what you see? Spread the Love! Greetings all and sundry. Today I have another of my world famous interviews with an independant wargames developer/publisher. For the first time today I am delving into a little bit of historical warfare. Usually I steer clear from this as my experience of historical wargames is 2 guys with their heads buried in books trying to out-read one another in the meanings of rules. I think most historical games get to bogged down in trying to be “Realistic” and they suffer as a result. I say this

Wakmaggot's review

The following text has been lifted directly from the blog Toy soldiers, painting and ale ( HERE ). The author of the blog, Wakmaggot - not sure if that's his real name but as I don't want to cause any offence I'll leave that line of questioning right there ; ) - any way, he was quite complimentary about my wee set of rules. As I'm still a little stretched for time at the moment, I thought I would just repost his blog entry wholesale. **** Wednesday, 16 May 2012 Finished Greeks and first game of Irregular Wars Right, I haven't updated anything here for a few days as I was finishing off a painting commission for Mr Mersey.  I've previously painted Athenian and Aitolian DBA armies for him and this time it was an army from Argos.  Sorry, I have no idea what they should be called and Argosian just sounds wrong to me! Anyway, they're a 15mm Xyston army and, I'm sorry to say, I wasn't able to take a single decent 'photo of them befor

The May Report

My family and I are now arrived and ensconced in deepest, darkest Ulster. compared to the rubbish weather in Sydney so far this year, I must say Belfast is most favourable. A quick word of advice to anyone considering flying 24 hours around the world with a toddler seat-belted to you. Don't. I was recently asked, very politely, if I could post a few more battle reports/after action reports of games of Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End . Unfortunately at present, the answer is no. All* of my miniatures and terrain are currently either: a) on a container ship somewhere between Sydney and Belfast, or b) in the stronghold of some Somali pirate/warlord. I hope Capt. Abdul Hassan or whoever has succeeded him appreciates the inclusion of an East African battle list in version 1.5 of the game. I solemnly pledge to post more Irregular Wars posts when my little lead minions arrive in the UK/are ransomed back to me. *I say all my miniatures are on board a ship