Pendraken Painting Competition 2015

You've got to be in it to win it.... as they say. Last year Pendraken had 214 excellent entries, once again pushing the standards of 10mm painting even higher! The competition always runs throughout the month of February, so your can make your entries anytime between 1st February and midnight on Fri 28th Feb. The rules are generally the same as last year, with the usual 7 categories, so there should be a suitable home for every entry! As with last year, each entry is allowed 2 images, except for the 'Open Army!' category, which is allowed up to 5 images. One major change for 2015 is that we are no longer allowing montage entries, just to make sure that everyone is on a level playing field. Categories: Foot - Pre-20th C. - Min: 3 / Max: 16 figures on a single base, and pre-1900. Foot - 20th C. - Min: 3 / Max: 16 figures on a single base/movement tray. Mounted - Min: 3 / Max: 10 figures on a single base/movement tray. Vehicle - Single vehicle on or off base....