
Showing posts from May, 2018

ADG - Who can I fight?

Knowing when to stop... nope, haven't read that chapter yet. I recently sat down to dwell over my 6mm ancient and medieval armies to work out which one I need to build next and it got me thinking, if I added a couple more units of one sort or another, I could morph my existing forces into new armies of the same period. You know, sort of a 'value adding' exercise. Order duly placed for a few more packs, I sat down and listed historical enemies for the armies I can currently field without stretching too many button-counting friendships. Obviously there is a fair bit of overlap - my Seleukids, Arabs, Armenians, Kommagenians, Ituraeans can all fight the Parthians for example - but there are still quite a host of foes for my brave boys to smite. My armies are in bold, followed by their enemies. 30. Minoans 12. Libyan, 14. New Kingdom Egyptians, 20. Hittites, 22. Syria, Canaan and Ugarit, 24. Sea Peoples, 30. Mycenaean 42. Seleukids 41. Early Successor, 42. S

OGAM - The Delphi Incident

In 279 BC, hordes of Celtic invaders swept down on the Greek world from the wilds of the north, destroying all before them. One branch of the invading army attacked the sacred oracle of Apollo at Delphi. According to ancient writers, the god Apollo appeared before the barbarians and put them to flight. This is the story of the Delphi incident... This week I finally managed my first game of the month. It has just been one of those months... Jim popped up the mountain to visit and we reprised our old roles as Greek and Irish deities for a game of Of Gods and Mortals  (Osprey Games). I took Apollo and a force of Greco-Macedonians defending the temple of Apollo, against his Irish, lead by Lugh of the Long Arm. Apollo and his escort of centaur archers. Lugh, supported by Queen Medb and the warriors of Connacht. I had less-than-stealthily placed my Macedonian hypaspists on top of the hill to dominate the table. Jim won the initiative, activated his banshee and watched my face

Fireside Tales is here!

With great pleasure and little fanfare, I'm please to say that Palaeo Diet: Fireside Tales ( PDFT ) has now been unleashed on the public. PDFT is a narrative campaign for Palaeo Diet: Eat or Be Eaten . Join Herc, the last of his people, as he regales a new tribe with tales of his heroic exploits, making excuses for his torn clothing, and remaining rather vague about exactly what happened to his old companions. PDFT includes: Five new scenarios with primary and secondary objectives; Four new beast profiles and reaction tables; New optional rules for unwashed hunters and guidelines for hunting juvenile beasts. A copy of Palaeo Diet: Eat or Be Eaten is required to play. So far it is only found on  Ganesha's Gumroad store , but it will soon be available through all the usual avenues in pdf and paperback.

Fireside Tales - angry critters

Fireside Tales introduces four new fearsome threats to Palaeo Diet: Eat or be Eaten . The least of the new beasts is the angry critter. Angry critters represent small but aggressively territorial beasts such as badgers, stoats, snakes, wild cats or even swooping magpies. They do not pose any significant threat to hominids or other larger creatures, but they can certainly be a nuisance. These wee beasties are pretty much the antithesis of the much more timid 'regular' critters in the core game. Flushed out of hiding in the same way, they will always attack the hunter or hound that discovered them, and then will continue to patrol their terrain piece with bravado far bigger than they are. These two little guys are the newly released stoats/weasels from Krakon Games Gnomes Kickstarter. Here we can see the 'flexible' scaling allowable in a prehistoric game... Frygga, my converted Flytrap huntress, a Flytrap mammoth, and a rabbit from Warheads. I'm not sur