Fantastic Battles - 1000 points of pointy Wyld Elves

In an earlier blog post I shared my tiny (but elite) 500 point army of Wyld Elves for Fantastic Battles . Since then I have worked away, when I could, on expanding the army. I'm happy to say that, with enough strategies and relics, I now have a tiny (but elite) 1,000 point army of Wyld Elves. All figures are 3D printed miniatures from Excellent Miniatures. I've used a screen capture from Mike Wilson's army builder spreadsheet (available with the digital download of the game, or through the Facebook group or on Board Game Geek ) to show the full breakdown of the army. Essentially there are three small units of rangers and a unit of stag riders, supported by a giant eagle, a couple of giant treemen and - because I an very loosly aiming for a Ljósálfar feel for this army - a Wyld Hunt. The third (new) new unit of rangers, and a second way-watcher captain. The Wyld Hunt (see the video below for an introduction if you're not familiar with the concept). I'm not enti...