Hi folks! I just wanted to wish everyone in the group a Happy New Year. Fantastic Battles was only released two months ago and already we have established a nice little group on Facebook - even though Covid restrictions have prevented many of us from actually playing! I can't wait for the situation to continue so we can all start to meet and roll dice again. Thanks to your support, the digital version of the rules has even earned a silver 'Best Seller' badge on Wargame Vault and hasn't dropped below the top five titles since release. Now, just watch my hubris as it drops way down tomorrow! 🤣😂🤣😂 Although I already have armies of Halflings, Goblins, Wyld Elves, Ziggurat Dwarves, and Greeks in 10mm, I have a new 28mm project lined up for 2021 - Project Troy... I'm not a fast painter, especially not with big figs, but I'll keep you posted! If done properly, the army should also serve for l'Art de la Guerre and Hail Caesar.Thursday 31 December 2020
Wednesday 30 December 2020
6mm Austrian showcase for Bataille Empire - or, softly softly, catchee Hapsburgs
When we decided to venture into 6mm Napleonics, I wanted a fairly generic and middle-of-the-road army. My thoughts first turned to Sweden as something a little left of centre, but having struggled to find suitable proxy figures, I settled on Austria - an army I played more than 20 years ago in 15mm for Napoleon's Battles.
Foolishly, we opted for 'shako' era, rather than 'bicorn' era Napoleonics. I say foolishly because I didn't realise at the time that post-1808, every Austrian infantry line regiment required six bases (or to put it another way, 96 figures!). Astute readers will observes a direct correlation between the minimum number of line infantry required by the army list, and the number included in my army...😁
The army composition is built around the 1809 Danube campaign list in the rules, but is not based on any historical order of battle per se.
The vanguard division (never leave home without one!) is far-and-away my favourite. With a jäger battalion, the Archduke Charles Legion, and some flashy Hungarian chaps swinging their curved sabres from the backs of flighty horses, there is something for everyone. The army list only allows for a single competent general, so I figured this division needed it more than most.
The infantry division requires four regiments of line infantry. I used figures in the 1806 helmet to represent my German veteran line. The Hungarian and Moravian regiments are properly attired in 1809 shakos. The regiment of Bohemian conscripts are technically wearing brown landwehr coats, but for now they will substitute as conscripts.
Tuesday 29 December 2020
6mm Napoleonic Austrians - Splenyi's (51st) Infantry Regiment
Nominally the 51st Infantry Regiment (drawing recruits from Hungary and Romania), whose colonel-in-chief was Feldmarschalleutnant Gabriel Splenyi von Mihaldy, I am oh-so-delighted to present the last* of the infantry regiments for my Austrian corp for Bataille Empire.
This army was my big project for 2020 and, while I have done a raft of other stuff, it has continued to loom ominously in the corner. Delighted that I am on course to finish it up by the end of this most challenging of years.
_____________*Last is such a definitive term...
Sunday 13 December 2020
Blood, Sweat and Cheers - light gladiators
Saturday 5 December 2020
Blood, Sweat and Cheers 2nd edition
At the start of the month I sent off the updated BSC rules to Ganesha and the files at the various retailers have now been updated. The cards themselves have not changed - but the free pdf rules have been expanded to add clarity, a campaign system for competing ludi has been added, and there are also now simple guidelines for solo play.
The revised rule booklet (8x A5 pages) is available here.
A professionally printed card deck is still available from DriveThru Cards here, or a pdf (print and play) version of the rules can be bought direct from Ganesha Games here, or from the Ganesha Gumroad store here.
I owe my thanks to the following for their playtesting, comments and suggestions: Laura Wright, James Bryant, Brett Hodgson, Jim Latimer, Andrew Common, Andrew Murrell, Andrew Brown, Massimo Moscarelli, Diego Chisena, Diego Riccitelli, Joel Lawson, Victor Jarmusz, Steven Jarmusz, Craig Whiting, and a special show of thanks to Alan Saunders for his help and contributions to the 2nd edition.
To celebrate the 2nd edition, and to continue fleshing out my 28mm ludus, I 'celtisiced' a veles from Crusader Miniatures, giving him a magnificent greenstuff moustache and torc. Bring on the Christmas holidays so I can slap some paint on him.
Sunday 22 November 2020
Fantastic Battles - 1000 points of pointy Wyld Elves
Monday 9 November 2020
Blood, Sweat and Cheers reviews at the Stronghold Rebuilt
There is a great game overview, review and some match reports for Blood Sweat and Cheers over at the Stronghold Rebuilt blog. Click HERE, HERE, and HERE to go and check them out. 👍
Saturday 7 November 2020
Fantastic Battles artwork - writ large!
To celebrate the release of Fantastic Battles, my lovely wife gave me some new wall art for the lounge room. Those of you who've thumbed through the rules will see that she is the best wife ever!
BSC - The expanded ludus
Thursday 5 November 2020
Fantastic Battles out now - Play your Fantasy!
A fast-play, mass-battle, tabletop wargaming system for any fantasy setting, Fantastic Battles is available in hardcopy from Amazon, or in digital format from WargameVault.
Amazon USA
Amazon Germany
Amazon France
Amazon Japan
Amazon Australia
... and you can also join the discussion on the Fantastic Battles facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/313513879678378
Sunday 1 November 2020
Blood, Sweat and Cheers - the 28mm Ludus expands
On the left are the old hands, Lycus the murmillo and Satyros the thraex; on the right are Zeno the retiarius, and Scorpus the secutor. Lycus, Satyros and Scorpus are all from Wargames Foundry, Zeno is from Crusader Miniatures.
Friday 30 October 2020
A new shield for Lycus
With our part of the world under increasingly stringent lockdown rules once again, I've found myself playing more and more Blood, Sweat and Cheers, both with my nine year old, and also solo. Bouts can take between 5 and 25 minutes each, and there is little prep time, so it is an easy game to wip out, roll dice and put away again.
In honor of his increased use, I decided that Lycus, my left-handed murmillo, needed to have his shield pimped out a bit. As Lycus seems to be the latinised Lykos, Greek for 'the wolf', I went for a wolfish motif based on coin imagery of the wolf that nursed Romulus and Remus (though I left the boys themselves off the shield). I'm not wholly convinced that I captured it with too much skill, but hopefully the aim is clear!😁
Tuesday 27 October 2020
6mm Napoleonic Austrians - 7th Cuirassiers
Saturday 24 October 2020
10mm Early Macedonians for l'Art de la Guerre
The army in all its mediocrity. Combining small amounts of fine cavalry with pretty woeful infantry, I have opted to stiffen it with a Thessalian ally.
Macedonian archers.
While I was taking photos, I mocked up a small 500 point army for Fantastic Battles. There are enough companies to more or less run the Early Macedonians in the same format as shown above, but obviously a touch of myth changes things up a bit. This wee army is themed around the foes of Odysseus, so with have a cyclops (Excellent Miniatures) and sirens (6mm harpies from Rapier) adding a fun factor.