Irregular Wars Wargaming 2024 round up, and a look ahead

And that's a wrap on 2024! It's been a busy and productive year for Irregular Wars Wargaming, and for hobbying in general. Devilry Afoot was launched back in the summer and word seems to be spreading as the game continues to pick up more and more players. The rules have consistantly been in the top 20 sellers on Wargame Vault since release, and has now reached Electrum Best Seller status (in the top 6.25% of sellers). I was gifted the headless horseman above (a Dragon Trappers Lodge 3D sculpt) by JB, and he might just hint at the first free expansion that will be coming for Devilry Afoot . Nothing too grand, just another monster profile with one or two new scenarios that will be made available to download through the Facebook group and slipped into the download pack on Wargame Vault. If that is popular there may well be more on the cards... Andrew and I completed out most ambitious project to date with the Seleukid army for Magnesia (190 BC), built to be compatible with severa...