
Showing posts from June, 2015

Irregular Wars AAR - Spanish Conquistadors vs Mapuche

Over at The Recoiling Knight and the Surrounded Spear  blog , Franko has just posted a great after action report of a recent game of Irregular Wars . Franko has a great blog and I urge you to check it out. In the mean time, he's been gracious enough to allow me to repost his AAR below. Happy reading! **** It has been some time but my friend Josh and I had another go at Irregular Wars . This time we played the Second Edition and I must say a great game just got a little cleaner and we were blessed with even more army lists! At top, Josh and his gold seeking Colonial Spanish. I hope he remembers the shellacking he received the last time he faced my Mapuche (bottom). This photo is actually after pre-game rolls and a turn of movement. My warriors armed with loncoquillquill (halberds) and bow enter the rough going on the left. My 2 pike units and my lancer cavalry with a Lord unit are on their right. 2 archer units sneak up the right flank woods. We rolled and I was the attacker.

New stockist for Ganesha titles

Ganesha Games and have jointly announced that, as of today, hard copies of all Ganesha rule sets will be available from , and Ganesha will start selling stock at shows. This means that there is one more place for you to pick up Song of Shadows and Dust  and, shortly, Galleys & Galleons !

Hail Pyrrhos - Samnites and Hoplites (and bears, oh my!)

Ok, so first up, there are no bears. But there are Samnites, and there are hoplites. Being off work with the pox and having a lot of down time (child at school, wife at work), I've managed to get an awful lot (for me) painted recently. I didn't realise until this weekend when, with some good weather, I marshaled my freshly painted stuff together for varnishing. It turns out that I am now the proud general of ten more Hail Caesar units than I was a couple of weeks ago. Considering my initial plan was to collect an army of 12 units, this has been quite a good run (the total is now 40 units and eight commanders...). Among the new units have been Thracian mercenaries, more Taurus highlanders, more Arab light cavalry and the like, for the Seleukid army. I may also have ordered another unit of elephants and two more units of heavy cavalry from Baccus.... but these have not arrived yet so wont get done before I return to work next week. However, a few of the new units have been

Galleys & Galleons cover art

I'm delighted to be able to show off the front cover for Galleys & Galleons . The rules will be produced in 6x9 inch format and will probably come in at around 80 pages. The 6x9 format makes for a tidy book, but also works well as a pdf to be read off tablets etc. The rules will include eight scenarios, a campaign system and at least 40 profiles for assorted vessels and the like. The most likely release date still seems to be September.

Poxy gaming

Pox-ridden though I may be (chickenpox that is), there was nothing that was going to stop my oldest friend visiting us during a trip up from the Antipodes. I have been in no fit state to go anywhere with him, but handily enough, he was something of a wargamer himself during his teens and twenties, so over the course of a couple of days, we player multitudionous games. Below are only a couple of photos from some of our games of Song of Shadows and Dust and Galleys & Galleons . Josh was one of the proof readers of SSD , but had never played it, so it was a delight to see how much he enjoyed the narrative feel of the games we had.  In this shot, my Antiochene militia had been caught spread out around the town. Here you can see the grizzled Captain Pyrrhos trying to get his squad to form up again. During a later game, Pyhrros and the lads from the militia had to fight off an attack from the zealous gang known as the "Thunder of Ba'al" who set the militia drinki