The woes of inter-hemispherical wargaming...
The Somali pirate captain, or HM's customs, or whoever it was who has been 'minding' all our stuff for the last five months, finally deemed fit to have it delivered to our temporary accommodation today. "Huzzah!" Says I. But then I thought to count the boxes... Two boxes missing. "Oh no..." Says I. "...but wait, the box with all the little metal men is here. Huzzah indeed!" So, I opened the box with great haste, mixed with just a tender amount of trepidation. You see I was keen to see all my wee lads (and ladies) again after all this time. I had grand plans of using them to actually play some games; get though AAR's up on the blog and have some fun. On top of that I wanted the rest of my scenery and access to my collection of static grasses. However. What I saw when I opened the boxes and removed what I had believed to be adequate packing materials, my poor little heart died a little. I have to warn any of you with a weak stomach