Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference

The talks from the second UCD Tudor and Stuart Ireland conference have now been made available as free podcasts from iTunes . The programme from the conference is worth looking, but to give you an idea of the talks on offer, how about: Simon Egan (UCC): Enemies to the left, enemies to the right: The politics of the wider Gaelic world and the collapse of the MacDonald Lordship of the Isles, c.1460–1500 Francis Kelly (UCC): Brian O’Rourke and the Spanish Armada Connie Kelleher (TCD): Ireland's golden age of pirates: Early seventeenth-century piracy in Southwest Munster in the Stuart period James O’Neill (QUB): Half-moons and villainous work: Gaelic fortifications and the Nine Years war Dr Benjamin Hazard (UCC): Combat medics and military medicine: Irish experience during the Tudor and Stuart period A number of these will be worth listening to if you fancy wargaming Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries. Listening to most of them might even make yo...