
Showing posts from April, 2014

HC reinforcements and a new side project

My recent relative laxity in posting is pretty informative. I started a new job at the beginning of April and it seems to be using up a lot of by wargamey stuff time. How very tedious. None-the-less, it is a pretty good position and I probably shouldn't pack it in just to be able to spend more time here. Probably. So, after that preamble/ramble, I've only time for a very brief update. I have managed recently to put togeter some reinforcements for my Hail Caesar Seleukids and have even started a small side project. For 'started' read 'rebased some stuff already painted'. I added another base of Arab light infantry to 'upgrade' the unit to a standard sizes light infantry warband. I also made up a new commander with an Arab aide or sheik.  Galatian cavalry.   More katoikoi colonist cavalry (medium line cavalry). And without further adieu, here are some re-based Romano-British. The figures are 10mm Pendraken late Romans. They were previousl

The Cú Chulainn Cup - the results are in!

  On Sunday last, a dedicated band of high spirited gamers sat down for the the inaugural Northern Irish Song of Blades and Heroes competition, the Cú Chulainn Cup . There were seven of us in all, bucking the trend perpetuated by the 'bigger' name wargaming systems who dominate the hobby. Six competitors and myself as an impartial umpire. We had prizes provided by both Ganesha Games directly and from Wee Gamers, the host club for the event. These were for the overall winner and for the winners of two popular votes - the favourite warband and the most sporting player. Each player brought along one fixed 300 point warband and played against each of the other competitors  in a five round competition day. There were six different tables set up with predetermined scenery and scenarios which would put the various warbands through their paces. Ideally, I hoped that no player would have to play on the same table twice although as it turned out, one of them did have to play one o