HC reinforcements and a new side project

My recent relative laxity in posting is pretty informative. I started a new job at the beginning of April and it seems to be using up a lot of by wargamey stuff time. How very tedious. None-the-less, it is a pretty good position and I probably shouldn't pack it in just to be able to spend more time here. Probably. So, after that preamble/ramble, I've only time for a very brief update. I have managed recently to put togeter some reinforcements for my Hail Caesar Seleukids and have even started a small side project. For 'started' read 'rebased some stuff already painted'. I added another base of Arab light infantry to 'upgrade' the unit to a standard sizes light infantry warband. I also made up a new commander with an Arab aide or sheik. Galatian cavalry. More katoikoi colonist cavalry (medium line cavalry). And without further adieu, here are some re-based Romano-British. The figures are 10mm Pendraken late Romans. They were previousl...