
Showing posts from February, 2020

6mm Austrian cavalry artillery

While I am finding the painting process for these chaps painfully slow (all those cuffs, collars, turnbacks and cross belts!), I am enjoying the results. Here are my two batteries of Austrian cavalry artillery - complete with little benches for the gunners to ride on. Like the rest of the Baccus 6mm Austrian range, these are wonderful sculpts. I can now do a decent sized vanguard division (60 points worth), but I will wait on the flag for the Bohemians before putting them all together. 😏

More 6mm Hussars! Huzzar!

Painted in such an ambiguous way as to represent the 3rd (Erzherzhog Ferdinand Carl d'Este), 7th (Lichtenstein), or 10th (Stipsicz) Hussars - all wore blue uniforms with green shakos - here are my second unit of Hussars for my Austrian vangaurd division. 

6mm Austrian Jäger for Bataille Empire

The Imperial and Royal Army of Emperor Francis II continues to gather, albeit slowly. Here is a battalion of elite jäger to lead my vanguard. Admittedly, this photo was taken accidentally while trying to get a good angle to see the detail on the tiny  Baccus 6mm  jägers, but it does rather give a good sense of their size...

Jurassic Coast: PD: Pulp goes underwater

Another missive from Mark in Thailand: Hi all I wanted to see if Nic Wright’s Pulp  draft expansion for his Palaeo Diet: Eat or be Eaten could be used for underwater hunting tours, with no or minimal modification. So here goes. ************* Our party of adventurers are Eden & Lucifer Hardlove (the formerly conjoined twins), Jacques Cousteau the renowned French aeronaut who has made all those daring ascents in balloons, and Nigel Marvin (Google him) who is the tour guide. Here they are in a commemorative photo, after being dropped off by the Utterley-Barking Time Tours submersible. It will be back to bring them home after 10 Turns, before their air (and possibly their luck) runs out. The game will be played on a 900x900mm table, shown below. Note the wildlife. At top L a Liopleurodon (King carnivore). At top R 2x generic sharks of the era (pack predators). At lower R: 2x plesiosaurs (Great herbivores). At lower L: a small but aggressive plesiosaur (rapto

Palaeo Diet: Pulp - covers and sample pages


Hungarian 4th (Von Vecsey/Hessen Homburg) Hussars - writ small

I've been much distracted, but have finally managed to get another unit painted for my  Bataille Empire  Austrian corp. Unlike the large lumbering unit of  Bohemian landwehr  I painted last, this time I went with a plucky, punchy little unit of Hungarian hussars to join my vanguard division. I ensured a historically accurate order of battle for my division by asking my family which uniforms they liked best. The result - the 4th hussars, AKA the most colourful unit they could find! The figures are Baccus 6mm, and they are simply splendid! 

Snatch-and-run with Palaeo Diet: Pulp

My wee lad and I got in a quick game of  Palaeo Diet: Pulp  this weekend, using my 15mm sci-fi collections. We played a variant of a scenario that will appear in the book (due very soon) - re-skinned of course for a more space operatic look. The transporter dropped the Imperial fire-team in a open landing space in the vicinity of a space pirate safe holdout. The team consisted of a commander with a pistol, two troopers with SMGs, and a sniper with a rifle. The target of their snatch-and-run mission was a droid containing valuable intel that had fallen into the pirates' hands. It was guarded by a mystic space wizard and a variety of space scum and villainy. The stage was set, and the dice were rolled.  The two SMG-armed troopers opted to move straight towards the centre of the board, where they engaged in a brutal fire-fight with two pirates. On of the troopers was almost immediately gunned down, while only one of the pirates took a hit. The commander and snipe

I need more chariot based puns - more 6mm Bronze Age L'Art de la Guerre

At the start of the month, Andrew and I met up with Tim for another Egyptian-Minoan grudge match.  This time, Timhotep commanded one of Andrewhotep's Egyptian divisions - all the while whispering foul suggestions in the guileless Pharaoh's ear. The two forces lined up across a vast open plain, only a single gentle hill and a few fields offering any sort of distraction. As the defender, the Minoans plonked their army between one of the fields and the hill. On the left was the heavy spearmen division, curiously missing a couple of their light infantry screen (hidden in ambush in the field). The center was composed of the heavy chariot division, with their medium spear supports on their right, and beyond the medium spear was a tiny allied Myrmidon division. Opposite the heavy spearmen, pharaoh deployed six units of Egyptian chariots in two groups, the Egyptian centre consisted of all of the Sea Peoples Pharaoh could scrape off the beach, while opposite the Myrmidons was a v