Spartans vs Early Macedonians with Fantastic Batles

As the seasons change, and parts of Northern Ireland start to descend, once more, into Covid-19 lockdown, I seized a fleeting oportunity to head up beyond the Foyle and run a game of Fantastic Battles with Lee, using our 10mm Greco-Macedonian forces. We didn't overly think the terrain, and just used every unit that we had available on the table. In retrospect the table size was far too small for the size of forces available (well, not really retrospect, it was patently obvious during deployment). Lee commanded a force of Spartans: two companies of Spartiate hoplites and five companies of allied hoplites, supported by two companies of hippokontistai (skirmishing light horse javelineers), two companies of peltasts, and a company of slingers. My early Macedonians were spearheaded (or not as it turned out) by two companies of Macedonian hetairoi, followed by two companies of mercenary hoplites, six companies of tribal levy, and two companies each of Illyrian mercenaries, slingers an...