
Showing posts from February, 2022

Fantastic Battles - How Murder Valley got it's name...

After what can only be described as a 'bit of a week', I settled down for a medicinal game of  Fantastic Battles  with JB this week. JB reprised his role as Witch-King of some rather nasty and stabby Dark Elves (the dark-armoured evil looking beggars at the top of the pictures), while I assumed the mantle of the Red King leading an army of loveable and - mostly - fluffy beastlings (lower half of the photos). The battlefield consisted of a range of hills, all covered by either woods of rough ground (snow drifts), with a valley in between, also smattered with snowdrifts. On a whim we called it Murder Valley. What could possibly go wrong? Let me count thy ways! 1) Mishaps to start with. Some of my skirmishing beastlings deserted ahead of the battle, the thegns on their chariots were suffering from mange, and one of the levy blocks were late! The elves only had an enthusiastic unit and two late units. 2) The Red King, with an army using the highlanders trait as a racial trope (givi

Stonehorse Gaming - Fantastic Battles flipthrough


More Money than Sense: PDEE underwater with the Utterley-Barkinge Co.

More of Mark's prehistory month madness! ***** Followers of previous underwater adventures reported here will recall, no doubt, the inability of anyone involved so far to bag an Apex Predator In Mesozoic waters. Distinguished aquanautic shikaris such as David Attenborough, Bianca Castafiore, and Lucifer Hardlove, have failed to return from previous expeditions. The high fatality rate of participants has only added to the allure of the expeditions, to bored celebrities and the idle rich. This years’ venture by the Utterley-Barkinge Time Travel & Landscape Co. was marketed specifically as a chance to break the Apex Predator hoodoo. It was fully booked within hours, despite the astronomical price tag. Some folks just have more money than sense. The alacrity with which the expedition was subscribed may have had something to do with an announcement by the Time Patrol that Apex Predator marine reptiles will now have Bulk = 4, rather than Bulk = 6 per the previous ruling. This means

Evil Spirits (2/2): another PDEE season with the Grey Wolf Clan

The newly installed Chief of the Clan has chosen the suitably-impressive chiefly name of Great Lion. Now, Great Lion hasn’t been chief very long, but already (a) he is thinking like a politician, and (b) he needs a big success to consolidate his position, and (c) there are scores to settle with the Trout Clan from previous seasons. Soon enough Red Feather (the clan’s most respected shaman, and an expert at reading the way the wind is blowing) comes to him with some disquieting advice. The wandering spirits that caused the recent outbreak of sickness are still hanging around, and have taken possession of the Trout clan. They may try again to take over the Grey Wolves too. Something must be done. This is something. Therefore, we must do it. The best clan hunters prepare for an expedition to the Trout clan cave, to exterminate the evil spirits. Great Lion himself will lead, and Red Feather will come along too, for spiritual support and medical services. The party comprises 5 hunters (spe