
Showing posts from June, 2013

Sir George Clifford, 3rd Earl of Cumberland

Sir George Clifford (1558-1605), 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 14th Baron Clifford of Westmoreland, Sherrif of Westmoreland, 13th Lord of the Honour of Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, Baron Vesey, Lord Vipont, was born a few months before the accession of Elizabeth I. As a famous jousting champion and privateer, he was to become one of the most influential figures within the Elizabethan court. Below are some of the key dates in his career. 1570 - Succeeds to his father's lands and titles in at the age of 12. These included the ancestral lordship of  Skipton Castle  in north Yorkshire where his life is much celebrated. 1577 - Marries Lady Margaret Russel, daughter of the influential 2nd Earl of Bedford. Margaret Clifford was to become a Maid of Honour to Elizabeth I and a powerful figure in her own right. 1586 - Peer at the trial of Mary, Queen of Scots. 1588 - Captains the Elizabeth Bonaventure during the Armada campaign. 1590 - Appointed Queen's Champion 1592 - Made a Knight ...

One of the challenges of combining wargaming and parenting ...

... when the latest version of your newly written rules set is ambushed by a rainbow.

15mm Irish - scale comparison

All round helpful gamer Le Coq Fou (AKA Prince Albert's Revenge on TMP) was kind enough to snap a shot of a few unpainted 15mm Irish figures showing the relative sizes of Corvs Belli and QRF figures. From left to right: Corvus Belli Irish kern (100 Years War range); QRF Irish kern (Tudor Wars range); QRF Irish kern (Elizabeth's Irish War range); QRF Redshank (Elizabeth's Irish War range). Note that the two ranges from QRF vary in size quite a lot with the Tudor Wars figures being a tiny bit smaller than Essex, the Elizabeth's War figures being quite a bit chunkier and a couple of mm taller. This shot of my own Irish kern shows the two QRF ranges together with Essex Irish kern. The two bases in the from show (from left to right) Essex, QRF Tudor, QRF Tudor, Essex Essex, QRF Tudor. The base slightly back and on the extreme right shows QRF Tudor, QRF Elizabeth's (with the axe), Essex. You can see just how big the Elizabeth's War figure is in comparison.  ...

Updates and progress of sorts

I have been fairly quiet of late due to some pretty tragic events in the family. However, behind the scenes the hobby marches on as a nice diversion from a pretty sad reality. One upshot to having a bit of time off is being able to spend lots of time with my (mostly) awesome son/monkey and my lovely wife. In other news, I recently found an exciting young Hungarian artist to work on some illustrations for the rules set I'm working on for Ganesha Games. For now, lets call them SSD ... Due to recent events, I've not been able to playtest them as much as I would have liked but I will shortly be looking for a wider sphere of testers to try out the new rules mechanics. My buildings for my 15mm scale suburb of Antioch are almost completed and a few more civilians have been painted up (including my first ever camel). No pictures as yet. I have also been procrastinating a little on ebay recently and came across this smashing 28mm heroic scale miniatures from Lance and Laser. The...