The Xebec Zenobie

A little while ago the lure of doing some Barbary corsairs for Galleys & Galleons grew far too strong and I succumbed, ordering some Mediterranean galleys from Skytrex. However, the vessel type which I really wanted in my little fleet of corsairs was a xebec, a sexy wee lateen rigged thing with curves in all the right places. As I have posted before ( HERE and then HERE ) I ended up ordering a schooner from Peter Pig and sat down with some blue tac and some spare galley sails to create this: She wasn't yet a beauty, but you could already see the ship she might grow up to be. Well I could anyway. Not entirely happy with the way she was going, I shipped her off to my mate JB who whipped her into shape. Now she was starting to look pretty fine, She certainly turn heads wherever she went and I was pretty pleased with the outcome (understatement). I finally got her painted up last week. While I'm happy with the final product, I freely admit that sails are, in fa...