In preparation for playtesting the fantastic (on many levels) forthcoming G&G supplement, Foul Winds (working title), I have been putting together a lace-pulp flying flotilla for the king of Spain. I have decided to have an airship as the solid centre of the flotilla, supported by two ornithopters and a gyrocopter. His Most Catholic Majesty’s Royal Flying Flotilla - 200 points from left to right: The Gyrocopter Infante , the Ornithopter Angelica , the Airship Nombre de Dios , and the Ornithopter Maria . The gyrocopter is an old, out of production, Dwarvern gyrocopter from GW's Man O' War . It is probably a little too over-scale for my liking, but it will certainly suffice for my purposes. The ornithopters and airship are both from Spartan Games' Uncharted Seas range. The ornithopters are 'sky pirates' and the airship is from their Dwarvern line. Below are three photos showing scale comparisons with other ships from my existing fleets. From left to ...