ADG - Who can I fight?

Knowing when to stop... nope, haven't read that chapter yet. I recently sat down to dwell over my 6mm ancient and medieval armies to work out which one I need to build next and it got me thinking, if I added a couple more units of one sort or another, I could morph my existing forces into new armies of the same period. You know, sort of a 'value adding' exercise. Order duly placed for a few more packs, I sat down and listed historical enemies for the armies I can currently field without stretching too many button-counting friendships. Obviously there is a fair bit of overlap - my Seleukids, Arabs, Armenians, Kommagenians, Ituraeans can all fight the Parthians for example - but there are still quite a host of foes for my brave boys to smite. My armies are in bold, followed by their enemies. 30. Minoans 12. Libyan, 14. New Kingdom Egyptians, 20. Hittites, 22. Syria, Canaan and Ugarit, 24. Sea Peoples, 30. Mycenaean 42. Seleukids 41. Early Successor, 42. S...