
Ratatosk, or Ratatoskr, was the mischievous squirrel that lived on Yggdrasil (the World-Tree) and spent his time running up and down its trunk between the eagle at the top, and Nidhug the dragon at its base, to tell them each the latest insult that each had uttered against the other. I took a notion. I am apparently now going to put together a Norse force for Of Gods and Mortals . I thought the following might reflect how he would play as a legend: Ratatosk Q3, C2 Forester, Illusions, Long Move, Stealth Here he is with a sample of my existing Norse force to give a sense of scale: troll f rom Copplestone Castings, dvergar dwarf from Macrocosm Miniatures. For the most part, this wee chap is one of the sabre-toothed squirrel rats produced for the (now defunct?) Flytrap Factory kickstarter. The head was my attempt to sculpt something out of green-stuff that vaguely resembled a red squirrel. It may have worked, I'm still not sure. The shield is a spare from a...