Hear the bellow of the Bull of the Sea - Bronze Age l'Art de la Guerre (in 6mm)

This week we finally managed a game of ADG with our first Bronze Age armies. Together with Jim and Joel, I led the mighty Minoan/Mycenaean forces of Minos in a daring raid on the Libyan coast. Our army, arrayed to the left in the photo above, consisted of: Left wing allied Myrmidons (Joel): Heavy chariot (incl. competent commander), mediocre medium cavalry, 2x elite medium impact swordsmen, 2x light infantry archers. Centre Minoan chariotry (Jim): 4x elite heavy chariots (incl. competent commander), 2x medium spearmen with missile support and pavises, 2x light infantry javelineers. Right wing Minoan spearmen (me): Heavy chariot (incl. competent commander), 5x heavy spearmen with missile support and pavises, 3x light infantry archers, 2 x light infantry slingers. The New Kingdom Egyptian army looked something like: Left wing (Andrew facing me) 6x light chariot archers (incl. competent commander), 1x donkey scouts. Centre (Lee facing Jim) Ordinary commander, 6x medium s...