
Showing posts from September, 2018

15mm Sci-Fi showcase

I don't do a lot of sci-fi gaming, and when I do, I tend to play 6mm. However, over the last couple of years, an increasingly the last few months, I have been working away at three forces for sci-fi skirmish games using 15mm figures. I haven't decided on a rule set yet, but  Grimdark Future: Fire Fight  seems to work very well so far. The first faction is the Imperial Night Watch led by Capt. Pax Concordia. These are nominally a special forces unit for the European Empire (my main 6mm Horizon Wars faction), although there are other empires that I'm sure they'd fit in with... The bulk of the minis are from the Space Pals range (possibly OOP?) from Highlander Studios. The wee W.A.L.L.I.E. style droid is from Ground Zero Games.  These engineering space dwarves from the Nidavellir system are led by Sgt Grimm. They. Are. Absolutely. Class. Wee. Sculpts. These are 15mm versions of the Onslaught 6mm Grudds, both available in the UK via Vanguard Miniatures. They s...

Hermes of the Golden Wand

"I was met by golden-wanded Hermes; he seemed a youth in the lovely spring of life, with the first down upon his lip." Homer, Odyssey 10.135 "He fastened on his ankle-wings, grasped in his fist the wand that charms to sleep, put on his magic cap, and thus arrayed Jove's son sprang from his father's citadel down to earth." Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.583 Herald of Zeus, god of travelers, merchants, shepherds and thieves, guide of the dead. Hermes has always been the Olympian god that I most ... like. I'm not sure that we should like  the Olympians. Aside from Athena (who can still be pretty childish), they all exhibit rather unlikable traits. Regardless, I've always had a soft spot for Hermes.  This one is not technically Hermes the god, but is supposed to be a gladiatorial arena official from Crusader Miniatures. Still not my finest painting - I seem to have lost my mojo for 28mm painting - the sculpt itself is rather nice. Using ...

Hellenistic Thracians for OGAM

It has taken some time (months indeed - 28mm always do take me a while), but my Hellenistic Thracians are finally finished and ready to fight for their gods. The miniatures are from Crusader - Northstar, and decent wee figures they are too. I'll be using these gentlemen (in the loosest sense of the word) for Of Gods and Mortals . There are no official Thracian profiles in the rules, but the unit building rules in the back allow you to customise profiles. From all the options available, I think that the hammering blow rule should approximate their use of the rhomphaia - those nasty looking curved blades. Therefore, I'll be using the following. Thracians  (CO) 25 points Q4 C2 - Hammering Blow

Grimdark hive of scum and villany

I've long had a small collection of 15mm sci-fi miniatures painted up for skirmish games. Then, last week, Andrew gifted my some 15mm sci-fi scatter terrain and a few bunkers and other small buildings which now allow me to future-up my ancient city Antiocheia Mikros. So, this week, I set up a table (along with my son's Slave One toy with is roughly to scale) and tried out a few turns of Grimdrak Future: Firefight by Gaetano Ferrara. The rules are freely downloadable and seemed simple, but effective. They are written for 28mm miniatures, so we swapped out inches for cm to convert to 15mm figures. I took a force of smugglers/rebels, while my wee lad controlled the Imperial Night Watch special forces. The rules are very definatley geared to the GW futuristic game set in the 41st millenium, but the force lists are pretty flexible allowing you to build most generic sci-fi tropes. I played more aggressively than the wee boy and took most of my forces through the alleys an...