The Company of Fools

Bring on the Clowns The Jokers and Buffoons I've had the Time of my Life And the Life of my Times In the Company of Fools Great Big Sea, Company of Fools Inspired in equal parts by Great Big Sea and Commedia dell'arte , the next party pulled togather in preperation for Fantastic Scuffles is the Company of Fools, an assortment of subversives to undermine the seriousness of any situation. All are 28mm metal sculpts which, despite their vintage, have mostly withstood the test of time. The exact role of each character in the party has yet to be finalised, but I plan for them to each have a bit of magic up their sleeves to put on a propper show! Scapino the tumbling goblin and is familar, Pappa Luna, are from Warmonger Miniatures. The ever-enchanting elf, Columbine, is from Reaper Miniatures. Pantalone, the skeletal jester is also from Reaper Miniatures. Arlecchino the Trickster is from Bad Squiddo Games. Of all of the miniatures, his is the most complex in trms of d...