
Showing posts from 2010

Irregular Wars - Colonial Spanish

I now have enough companies to field two complete Colonial Spanish battles; I have almost every company type allowed. This rather large selection also morphs into my Royal English battle with the aid of the Hollander halberdiers and the English Adventurer longbowmen. Having two differently armoured 'conquistadors' means that they double as demi-lancers and border horse. The scale, as always, is 15mm. The infantry are a mix of Essex (the priest, some of the targeteers and the Indian mercenaries), Eureka (the Indian archers), Grumpy (most of the rest). The cavalry are all Essex and the two large mastiffs are from Museum miniatures. The first battle of Spanish. The conquistadors and rondeleros (sword and buckler men). I read a really interesting paper about Negro, Moorish and Mulatto men fighting alongside (in the same companies as) ethnically Spanish soldiers during the conquest of the New World. I liked the concept and Grumpy miniatures make Africans for their Portuguese l

All at Sea play testing (or a big battle of little boats...)

Work has been a bit hectic so I'm only just getting around to uploading some photos from a big game of Irregular Wars: All at Sea that we played up at my local club (Southern Battle Gamers, Sydney) a few weeks back. This was the first playtest we have had involving more than two players (we had 7!). It was also the largest fleet action yet with 13 ships involved. The vague scenario: With the assassination of William the Silent, Stadtholder of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in July 1584, the Spanish are seeking to exploit any Dutch weaknesses. A Spanish-Portuguese convoy is dispatched from Lisbon with enough gold to pay the mutinous Spanish forces in the Low Country and bribe key fortresses along the Dutch border. If the notorious Dutch Sea Beggars can seize the treasure ship it could be the turning point in the war of independence. However, a small fleet of English privateers is shadowing the Spanish, waiting to make their move... The fleets: The Spanish squadron: c

Irregular Wars - all at sea: core rules (beta version only!)

IW - All at Sea (Core Rules Beta)

IW - ship templates


Irregular Wars - English Adventurers

Here stands my battle of English Adventurers - 'adventurers' of course being rather euphemistic. The battle list can be used in Britain and Ireland as English rebels, a battle of Anglo-Irish planters, or as English privateers. They could also represent English privateers, pirates or early colonists in the Americas or East Indies. My battle is intended for use in the New World and includes all the local auxiliary forces available. By combining elements of this battle and companies which are nominally Spanish colonials, I can also make a nice little Royal English battle to smite the Irish or Scots. Most figures are 15mm Grumpy, with a couple of Essex longbow and some mystery pike. Apologies for the size of the images - not all experiments are successful... The battle arrayed. The gentlemen (with the parasol) and some of the volunteers. The marksmen and battery of ship's guns. I decided to make one of the marksmen a native with an acquired musket - for the added colour

Irregular Wars - all at sea: the English fleet

We have been playing around with a few ideas for naval actions to accompany the Irregular Wars land actions rules. Further details will be forthcoming (later...) but for now I just thought to post a couple of pretty pictures. Ships are 1:1200 scale 16th century vessels from Valiant Enterprises. Here are the ships that have been painted up to serve Good Queen Bess: The large galleon and flagship,  Lady Jane Seymour . The galleon,  Tudor Rose . The pinnace,  Swiftsure .

DBA Ituraeans (or was that Nabataeans...?) II/22(a)

This was the first army I painted when I started up wargaming again last year. The paint scheme was simple so they turned out ok, but I think I've improved a little since then. They were bought to be the foil for my Seleukids - and have a surprising success rate. The figures are 15mm Xyston, the tent is Baueda. I wanted to run an army of Ituraeans, an Arab group who controlled the Beqqa valley and much of the surrounding highlands (Lebanon, Antilebanon, Gaulan, Auranitis, Trachiontis etc) during the later part of the Hellenistic period. The historical sources are all rather hostile, but its quite clear that they were a major power of the Levant in the 1st century BC. From c.115-20 BC, the Ituraeans fought and allied with the Seleukids, Hasmonaeans, Nabataeans and autonomous cities, to a lesser degree against the Romans, and almost certainly with Emesa and the nomadic Arabic Skenitai. They are one of the more important states to be considered not important enough by WRG to warrant

SBH - Duchess of Cheddar's Own Fusiliers

Duchess  of  Cheddar’s  Own  Fusiliers The disciplined rodents of the 4 th “Duchess of Cheddar’s Own” Fusiliers are called upon for all manner of ‘special’ operations. High mortality rates means there is no need for names – these lads fight hard and die young in the service of Cheddar. The figures are 10mm Pendraken miniatures from the League of Ratsburg range but I use them for 28mm games – they are rats after all. Battle honours Opponent                     victories           losses Orcs                                1                      0 Total                                1                      0 Points Personalities:    98        (33%) Warriors:          200       (67%) Total:               298       (100%) Personalities Ensign Points: 55         Q:2+     C:2 Special rules: leader, short move Drummer Points: 43         Q:2+     C:1 Special rules: leader, short move Warriors Fusiliers (x10) Points: 20         Q:5+     C:2 Special rules: gregarious, shooter: long,

SBH - The Ballygobackwards Yeomanry

Ballygobackwards  Yeomanry Here stand the proud fellows of the Ballygobackwards Yeomanry. They are a generic 'little peoples' militia from the sleepy hamlet of Ballygobackwards led by the local judge whose name just happens to be the same as my favourite beer.... The scale is 28mm although none of my lads reach that esteemed height.  They are a mix of Hasselfree, Heresy, Reaper and Alternative Armies. I felt compelled to give them a pink and green colour scheme, but I'd like to think that it works... Battle honours Opponent                     victories           losses Savage orcs                      0                      1 Goblins                            0                      1 Total                                0                      2 Points Personalities:    98        (33%) Warriors:          196       (67%) Total:               294       (100%) Personalities Justice FitzSmithwicks Points: 38         Q:2+     C:0 Special rules: free disengage, magic-u

Irregular Wars, preliminary campaign map - Desmond rebellions, Ireland

I have mocked up a test map for a campaign based on the rebellion of the Geraldines of Desmond. This is only the first trial, separating Ireland into 20 territories (apologies if I have offended any patriots by leaving out their favorite sept!) but hopefully it will help show the way the campaign mechanics might work.