
Showing posts from August, 2012

SAM-in-10mm project completion

Having painted up four 500 point warbands, I decided that what I really needed was 600 point warbands. the solution - more 10mm craziness. I sourced a few more miniatures that I hadn't been able to find for the original warbands and got to ordering, basing and painting. I present for you the four 'final' warbands for my SAM-in-10mm project. Hopefully I will have inspired a few people out there to break the mold and play skirmish games with their tiny tin men (and women). They are just as good to game with and a damn sight cheaper. They also look ok on the table. Watch this space for a four game narrative driven mini-campaign based on the apocryphal Annals of St Pius... All these figures are from Pendraken, the 'knights' are from the Late Roman range, the monk from the Viking range. All are from the Pendraken Late Roman range. The beardy Irish are from Magister Militum's Irish range, the woman is Pendraken's Kiera. The wolfhounds are from Eureka

Don't throw an Angry Lurker: questions for procrastinating wargamers.

The Angry Lurker and Don't throw a 1 are pretty great blogs that I always enjoy flicking through when I have a moment spare. The authors also tend to be prolific at writing up comments to support and encourage other warmongering/wargaming bloggers - a really good trait if you ask me. Recently they posted a series of questions which delve into the inner working of the wargaming psyche. I thought I might just have a crack at them myself. Feel free to give it a go yourself and share the experiment.  1. Favourite Wargaming period and why? I swing between Ancients (the Hellenistic period specifically) and the 16th-17th Centuries. The first is my great love in life, the subject of my doctorate, and an all-round fascinating period with colourful characters doing daring deeds and generally dyeing in the saddle of via a successful assassination attempt. And lets be honest, who doesn't love elephants? The second became a real hobby period for me when I first moved to Ul