6mm Seleukid megalomania: "Antiochos, the great King, the legitimate king, the king of the world..."

" I am Antiochos, the great King, the legitimate king, the king of the world, king of Babylon, king of all countries, the caretaker of the temples Esagila and Ezida, the first son of King Seleukos the Macedonian, king of Babylon... " This less-than-understated introduction comes from a cuneiform text presenting the Seleukid king Antiochos I as a Babylonian ruler with all of the traditional titles of the old Babylonian kings. But what a great way to introduce such a colourful and multi-national army. This is now technically my 'complete' Seleukid army for Hail Caesar. It is 600 points worth divided into four divisions. That said, I already have figures for a couple more cavalry units ordered... I am finding 6mm gaming rather addictive. I have previewed various units in the past as and when they were ready and I found the time. Now I am happy to show the 'full' army in all of its very small glory. The army is intended to represent an early...