6mm Seleukid megalomania: "Antiochos, the great King, the legitimate king, the king of the world..."
"I am Antiochos, the great King, the legitimate king, the king of the world, king of Babylon, king of all countries, the caretaker of the temples Esagila and Ezida, the first son of King Seleukos the Macedonian, king of Babylon..."
This less-than-understated introduction comes from a cuneiform text presenting the Seleukid king Antiochos I as a Babylonian ruler with all of the traditional titles of the old Babylonian kings. But what a great way to introduce such a colourful and multi-national army. This is now technically my 'complete' Seleukid army for Hail Caesar. It is 600 points worth divided into four divisions. That said, I already have figures for a couple more cavalry units ordered... I am finding 6mm gaming rather addictive.
I have previewed various units in the past as and when they were ready and I found the time. Now I am happy to show the 'full' army in all of its very small glory. The army is intended to represent an early Seleukid force for somewhere between about 281 BC (the accession of Antiochos I) until around 205 BC (the presumed date of Antiochos III's adoption of cataphract cavalry).
Nominally it is the Army of the young Antiochos III but I'd be equally happy running it as an earlier force of splitting it in two to fight games between the feuding brothers Seleukos II and Antiochos Hierax. By using the heavily armoured Agema and xystophoroi cavalry as cataphracts and the thorikitoi as imitation Roman legionaries, I could potentially us this army in latter scenarios as well.
This less-than-understated introduction comes from a cuneiform text presenting the Seleukid king Antiochos I as a Babylonian ruler with all of the traditional titles of the old Babylonian kings. But what a great way to introduce such a colourful and multi-national army. This is now technically my 'complete' Seleukid army for Hail Caesar. It is 600 points worth divided into four divisions. That said, I already have figures for a couple more cavalry units ordered... I am finding 6mm gaming rather addictive.
I have previewed various units in the past as and when they were ready and I found the time. Now I am happy to show the 'full' army in all of its very small glory. The army is intended to represent an early Seleukid force for somewhere between about 281 BC (the accession of Antiochos I) until around 205 BC (the presumed date of Antiochos III's adoption of cataphract cavalry).
Nominally it is the Army of the young Antiochos III but I'd be equally happy running it as an earlier force of splitting it in two to fight games between the feuding brothers Seleukos II and Antiochos Hierax. By using the heavily armoured Agema and xystophoroi cavalry as cataphracts and the thorikitoi as imitation Roman legionaries, I could potentially us this army in latter scenarios as well.
The Seleukid high command - Baccus Macedonian officers with Rapier trumpeter |
The Agema and Companion cavalry - Baccus successor agema |
Xystophoroi heavy cavalry - Baccus successor agema with a few Persian satrapal guard and successor cataphracts |
Xystophoroi heavy cavalry - Baccus successor agema with a few Persian satrapal guard and successor cataphracts |
Katoikoi medium cavalry - Baccus Italians |
Iranian light cavalry - Baccus Aracosians |
Iranian light cavalry - Baccus Persian cavalry |
Tarantine light cavalry - Baccus Numidian horse |
Dahae horse archers - Rapier Skythians |
Arab light horse - Baccus Mahdist cavalry |
Arab camelry - Rapier Persian camels |
Scythed chariots - these beauties are Rapier chariots but had to have the original shafts cut off and replaced to enable the horses to fit. |
Elephants with archer escorts -Rapier and Baccus successor elephants with Rapier archers |
Elephants with archer escorts - Baccus successor elephants with Baccus Persian archers |
Agyraspidai (Silver Shield) pikemen - Rapier with Baccus command |
Katoikoi pikemen - Rapier with Baccus command |
Thorakitai medium infantry - Rapier Roman principes |
Galatian medium warband - Baccus Gauls with Baccus Dwarf command |
Iranian archer light infantry - Baccus Persian archers |
Kilikian light infantry - Baccus Numidian infantry |
Iranian light infantry - Rapier Persians |
Arab light infantry - Baccus Mahdist infantry with Mahdist camels |
Kretan skirmishers - Rapier archers |
Iranian archer skirmishers - Baccus Persian archers and slingers |
Asiatic slingers - Rapier slingers |
Asiatic slingers - Rapier slingers |