Dux Bellorum foederati shieldwalls

Continuing on my slow plod towards raising a couple of Dux Bellorum armies, here are a couple of shots of my Germanic foedarati shieldwalls that will bulk out my Romano-British infantry. Although my Romano-Brits will have an overall red colour scheme, I have made these guys blue to a) distinguish them as 'different' from their comrades, and b) in case I decide to do a fully fledged Saxon army in the future, they will provide me with a core. The shieldwall on the right is my SAM Anglian warband rebased. All figures are Pendraken from their Late Roman range and include figures from both the Saxon militia and Roman militia packs, led by characters from the Arthurian personalities pack. One Saxon has had his spear replaced by a boar standard. I will used them as a regular shieldwall. The shieldwall on the right is made up principally of Pendraken Norse figures and include a mix of berserkers, bondi and hirdmen. The command are made up of a late Roman officer converted to ...