Seleukids on the march

Well, somehow it transpired that I never bothered myself to get the chickenpox when I was a kid. Even when my friends or my brother had it, I was just never that 'into' contagious diseases and didn't catch it. Just over two weeks ago, my son got it. Now I am ridden with the pox and I'm not a happy camper; blisters everywhere, including one in one of my eyes. On the upside, it looks like I'll be off work a little while and I've already managed to paint four more infantry units for my 6mm Seleukids project/obsession. I thought I'd just pop 'em all out on the table to see how it's getting on. My conclusions: I think I need more heavy cavalry. My cavalry already dominates the battlefield - and might be able to take on all my opponents' cavalry together with a fighting chance - but it just feels like I need more. It's not that I'm addicted to cavalry, I can stop any time I want to. This army roster shows the current state of pla...