Pendraken Painting Competition 2016

Unbelievably, if is nearing the end of February already! Every year, one of my favourite manufacturer, Pendraken , host a painting competition in February which is supported by very generous prizes and generally attracts tons of high quality entries. I've been mostly distracted by 6mm projects and Galleys & Galleons over the last last year, so the amount of Pendraken lead that I have managed to paint since the last competition is minimal. However, I do have a couple of Pendraken sculpts, painted up for the G&G fantasy expansion that I'll pop in - but not hold my breath. Daughters of Ægir – Norse personifications of the waves, the nine sisters were the daughters of the giant, Ægir, and the sea goddess, Rán. (Pendraken code FAN-MON3 Water elementals) Q3 C3 Creature, Magical: Hydromancer, Shallow draft, Spectral, Submersible Triton – A Greek sea deity, the son and herald of Poseidon, lord of all the Seas, Triton conveyed his father’s wishes to all those creatures...