Palaeo Diet: Pulp - starting out with 15mm capers in Cairo
I can quietly acknowledge that a pulp expansion for Palaeo Diet: Eat or Be Eaten is once more on the cards. The game will introduce early 20th century adventurers with new traits and trappings, as well as a number of suitably pulp beasties such as dinosaurs and mummies and a few thematic scenarios. As I already have a 15mm city suitable for a desert setting, I decided to embark on testing in that scale.
To begin with, I have picked up three pulp heroes from Rebel Miniatures. Here we see test pieces wielding three of the four gun options - pistols, a shotgun and a rifle. I have three more adventurers en route.
For my mummies I've gone with Ral Partha Europe's offering - a pharaoh and a priestess.
This is one of five different wargaming/rules writing projects that I'm currently working on, but I imagine it will be one of the first to be finished.