
Showing posts from March, 2021

28mm Trojan spearmen

  This unit of Trojan spearmen has been on the painting shelf for some time now, painted in stages simply because I decided I wasn't overly taken with the figures. These are Newline (with a Foundry commander figure on the centre base), and while I really liked the Newline archers I posted last week, I just couldn't feel the same enthusiasm for these chaps. Now that they are done and based I'm quite happy with them though. They still need to be sprayed with a matt varnish of course. This army has been built with flexibility in mind, so for Fantastic Battles these will be a unit of three formed companies with shieldwall, long spears and mixed shooting. For l'Art de la Guerre they are three units of heavy spearmen with pavises and missle supports, and should they be used in Hail Caesar I think they count as a single unit of medium spearment with long spears and a weak shooting attack. And lasly a wee teaser shot of the army coming together...

ProjectTROY - 28mm Mycenaean/Trojan comparison

  Not much to say about this one - just a line-up of Bronze Age Aegean types. From left to right: Newline, Foundry, Redoubt, Eureka and a Lucid Eye Amazon. Lucid Eye are just a smidge too tall for my liking, but the others will all work in an army together. In my Trojan army, they have no choice!

28mm Trojan archers

  The next unit for ProjectTroy consists of two bases of Trojan archers. These are from Newline and they are rather nice sculpts. I am part way through painting a unit of Newline spearmen who are... adequate, but these chaps jumped the queue because I quite like them and needed to break up the routine.  Next up, finish those spearmen and. then, on to the Amazons!

Fantastic Battles playthrough - Ziggurat Dwarves vs Goblins

  A playthrough video showing a 600 point game of Fantastic Battles which not only demonstrates gameplay, but also my ( very ) limited filmaking skills!

Leave a review, commission a sketch

The initial take up of Fantastic Battles has been beyond anything I'd hoped, and I really want to thank everyone who's supported the rules so far. There's a great wee group over on Facebook that's growing every day, so if you're on Facebook and haven't dropped by, do pop over and join the conversation. However, I'd really like to grow the community some more. As one of my newly-discovered favourite authors* wrote recently, "A quick review helps other people find my work, but it does more than that. Reviews are scientifically proven to fuel the hybrid of ego and insecurity that drives artists everywhere. They're inspiring, and I read every one I get." I fully concur. As an independent publisher I have a limited reach and a smaller advertising budget. The best way to spread the word is to encourage more community reviews. *Zack Pike - if you haven't discovered  Orconomics   and the Dark prophet Saga yet, I recommend you do What I'd like

Exeunt, pursued by a Mosasaur: PDEE underwater

Mark returns with another report from the deep past...  **** The Utterley-Barkinge Time Travel (& Landscaping) Co. arranges special hunting safaris (for very special fees, payable in advance, no correspondence will be entered into) to the Tethys Sea among other exotic locations. But so far no paying customer has been able to claim a marine apex predator as a trophy. Last year the Hardlove twins almost brought down a Liopleurodon, but Lucifer was killed and Eden was forced to return to the submersible for lack of air before he could finish the job. This year another party of celebrity hunters will try their luck and skills. They are shown in this photo, taken at the start of the safari after being dropped off by the submersible ⬇️ ⬆️ L-R: Bianca Castafiore (speargun) the internationally renowned mezzo soprano and shikari; Jolyon Wagg (speargun) the champion rally driver; David Attenborough (speargun) who is the UB tour guide; Count Almazout (glaive) former Lord Chancellor of