
Showing posts from April, 2022

2022 Odyssey - or why I haven't been doing my homework

We have just returned from a brief, but very enjoyable, trip to Greece - actually the holiday we had booked in 2019 for the following summer, before the world went into lockdown. After the additional stresses brought about by the pandemic, a couple of very political (and Political) years at work, additional work financial duties, job applications and moving house, life has felt like I've been pulled in too many directions lately. It was wonderful to get away and just forget it all for a week. I've no desire to give a blow by blow of the trip - nor would I expect people to what to read that - but thought I'd share a few pictures relevant to the hobby. I brought along Four Against the Titans for a pilgrimage to several sites that feature in the game. First up, here we are at the Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi for an obligatory promo shot. The site itself was amazing, and the museum was pretty marvellous as well. An 8th century BC bronze Herzsprung-style shield. A variety of ax

Lisburn Gaming Club 24 hour charity day

This weekend I was really priveledged to be invited to a 24 hour charity gaming event organised by Lisburn Gaming Club here in Northern Ireland. The event was raising money for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Humanitarial Appeal. I was only able to stay for the first 10 hours, but in that time over £1,000 was raised from the raffle and table re-rolls alone. I was very impressed by the organisation and the enthusiasm that went into the event from all involved.  Between us, Bill, Roger, Steve, Peter, Garry and I had four great games of Fantastic Battles during the time I was there. Beastlings vs. undead - beastling victory. Wood elves vs. goblins - bloody draw. Wyld elves vs goblins - wyld elf victory. Wyld elves vs ziggurat dwarves - Ziggurat dwarf victory.  To finish up, I ran a co-operative game of Palaeo Diet: Eat or Be Eaten for Bill, Steve, Dave and Roger. Despite the tribe bagging themselves a couple of boars and a cave lion, they lost one of their own hunters. I guess