Famous Faces of Beerenburg, part 5

What's this?! What's this?! More Beerenburgers? Sometimes 1,000 points worth of halflings just isn't enough. Here we find a merchant adventurer, a stealthy gentleman of fortune with a marvelous moustache; in short (pun intended), a rogue.
This wee gentleman is made up of a spare TAG halfling body with a head from the TAG halfling command - I had intentionally avoided the head because I don't like halflings with moustaches! A greenstuff ruff hid the gaps around the neck, while the hands were pinched from assorted other minis in the bits box. The dagger is a cut down Mycenaean sword, and the coin is a bit of greenstuff, as is the bulging bag tied to his belt.
No one is quite sure whether the moustache is real or some sort of ridiculous disguise. Scurrilous rumours from the darkest corners of society suggest it might even be made out of excess foot hair!