Devilry Afoote: Lughnasa 1624 (part 2/4) - The Watch are trolled

It was an autumn night in Frommage, a few hours before dawn. The Watch patrol tonight comprised only 4 men. Turncoat was laid up with an ague, or so he said, and Pole was visiting her sister in Ketton. The patrol was at the S end of the village, checking the burned-out house, when Slide’s dog began barking furiously …

Turn 1
The chit-pull sequence was TWWWWT (for Watch & Troll). The Troll ran to its R, and hid in the shadows of the side alley. The Watch advanced, Dogberry and Slide to the fore, with Bumpkin not quite so keen and Bottom, that lone wolf, taking a different route. As they approached, the Troll came out of the shadows and stood in the middle of the street.

The yellow tokens represent the lanterns most of the Watch are carrying. The Troll is illuminated by Dogberry’s lantern, as well as indicated by the dog, at the end of the turn.

Turn 2
The chit-pull sequence was WTWWTW. The Watch continued a cautious advance as the Troll ran back into hiding (it seems a bit out of its depth, perhaps lacking experience in hunting humans) then tried Intimidation, which failed to unnerve any of the hunters.

You can see that Dogberry and Bumpkin have put out their lanterns and hooked them to their belts, in preparation for close action. 

Turn 3
The chit-pull sequence was WWWTTW. Bumpkin and Slide both attacked the Troll, without success but without taking any punishment in return either. Then the Troll attacked Bumpkin, failed, and took 2W in the Watchman’s opportunity attack. The Troll then tried more intimidation, but only Bottom was unnerved and retreated. He’s clearly got cold feet as his activation failed too. 

Turn 4
The chit-pull sequence was TWWWTW. The fight in the alley raged between the Troll and three of the Watch (Dogberry, Bumpkin, Slide). By the end of the turn the Troll has taken another wound (now 3W) but Bumpkin, who had borne the brunt of the Troll’s attacks, was OOA with 3W. Bottom’s cold feet continued, as he failed his activation again. 

Turn 5
The chit-pull sequence was WWTTW. Slide failed activation, no doubt affected by the fate of his friend Bumpkin. Then Dogberry attacked with his Polearm and gave another wound to the Troll (now 4W). The furious monster turned on Dogberry and put him OOA with 3W in a single blow. Then ran a short distance to hide in the shadows of the nearest house. Finally Bottom, activating at last, and using his Swift trait, ran along the alley to join Slide. They are only Watchmen still standing.

Turn 6
The chit-pull sequence was TWTW. At first the Troll stayed in the shadows, but realising that Bottom’s lantern and Slide’s dog were soon going to give the game away, it attacked Bottom, but failed to hit, as did the opportunity response. Bottom failed to activate, so it was left to Slide to attack, he succeeded but caused no wound.

Turn 8
The chit-pull sequence was W***. Bottom successfully attacked the Troll with his Axe, inflicting 1W. This took the monster to 5W and it fell dead. 

Washing up

Bumpkin recovered from his wounds but carries an arm injury that will put him at -1 when using 2hw. I’ll be leaving him out of the next game as he recuperates. Dogberry succumbed to his wounds and died.

The 60 shilling bounty for killing the Troll will be evenly split between the three surviving members of the patrol, so they get 20s each (before paying upkeep) to buy new kit and/or stash away. 

Bumpkin and Bottom both gain +3 experience points for taking part in a successful hunt and ensuring no Innocents were lost. Bottom gets +4, adding another for striking the killing blow.

More later …