Devilry Afoot: Edge of Reason

Over the next few months, I will be releasing a few new monster types and scenarios for Devilry Afoot. Initially these will be put out as free individual pdfs through the Facebook Group, or folks requesting them via the blog, but once this cluster of foul devilry is completed, I'll compile them into a single (still free) digital document and put it in the download folder for Wargame Vault customers as well.

The monsters recieving this treatment mostly fall into stories stemming from the late 18th - early 19th centuries. This was a time of enlightenment and industry, but where superstition and conservative social values persisted on the edge of reason. And so, a new party of hunters was required!

These are all from the Matchlock Miniatures Regency Zombie Hunters range. This is my first experience purchasing from Matchlock Miniatures. They were pretty cheap, came quickly, and didn't require a lot of clean up, so that is all great. I'm not sure what to make of the sculpts though. I like them, but they have a very definate chunky aesthetic which not everyone will like.

I see this chap as a scholar or follower - perhaps even a religious. The candel is an addition, it will function as a lantern in game terms.

This Colin Firth-inspired gentleman is probably ... a gentleman, but be he could equally be used as a soldier.

The lady with sword and dagger may be a member of the gentry, a scholar or a religious (the vicar's daughter or a member of a temperance movement perhaps). She could be a goodwife, or the 19th century equivalent, but the gold lace on her travelling coat suggests a bit more wealth.

This fellow could be a retitred soldier, goodman or follower. There are currently no rules for bayonets in Devilry Afoot - they were not a regular feature of the original 16th-17th century setting. However, they could be integrated with the new expansion. 

 Next up I have some watchmen, and the monsters!