
Showing posts from January, 2012

Southern Battle Gamers DBA Historical Competition 2012 - March

Every year, my local club, the Southern Battle Gamers < location HERE > run two DBA matched pairs competitions plus the MOAB two day event, all hosted by Mr Steve Webb. The first of this years copetitions will be on Sunday 4th March. The following notice is re-posted from Steve's announcement at the Southern Battle Gamers website < original HERE >. To be played on Sunday 4th March and Sunday 5th August, from 10am until completed. Do you have what it takes to become the latest Imperator? That's right, the winner gets there name added to the Trophy listing the Southern Battle Gamer's Imperators. Join Mark Stevens, Nic Wright and myself.  Each competition will consist of five rounds. Each player will provide two armies that are historical enemies as per the v2.2 lists, preferably balanced. You will note that this allows you to bring two armies of any figure size and any base size, as long as both are the same. Players will be ranked during and at the end of

The Cheddar muster continues

A couple more work-in-progress shots of my first HotT army, the Grand Duchy of Cheddar. First up we have further shots of the Ducal dirigable - now with most of the paintwork done. Michael Awdry enquired after its steerage - I can assure him that it is steered by the balloon fins and moves according to the wind (which may or may not be magic). I was considering attaching a propeller and/or rudder systen at the back of the boat, but it made it too large for the balloon. The regiments of foote, van Squeek's (the whites) and the Duchess of Cheddar's (the buffs). Lastly, the first shot of Cheddar Hall, one of the entrance halls to the Ducal palace-warren which emerges from a hill side. Scratch built from thin mdf on a cork-tile hill side.

An hour of stolen sheep and shattered goats (and a Happy New Year!)

By way of a selfless act on behalf of Mrs Dux Homunculorum, Alan (the Dux) was able to travel south last week for an afternoon of gaming. We started with a game of Irregular Wars , playtesting one of the scenarios that will (in the not too distant, but not too close, future) make it into the second edition of the rules.  We tried out the 'Reive and retrieve' game, finally putting my sheep to pasture (and on the table). The Dux (the attacker) brought out his Lowland Scots, while my Royal English were the defenders. A flock of 1d6 livestock (I rolled a four) were deployed between the lines. We had ten turns in which I had to try to keep my sheep out of his thieving hands. The sheep, however, were moving impetuously and not really subject to orders unless being herded by a dedicated company of the Queen's men. The battles muster: Scots to the left, English to the right. View from the English left, many of the Scots were skulking beyond the woods. The Scots laird (rea