Tudor and Stuart Ireland Conference

The talks from the second UCD Tudor and Stuart Ireland conference have now been made available as free podcasts from iTunes. The programme from the conference is worth looking, but to give you an idea of the talks on offer, how about:

Simon Egan (UCC): 
Enemies to the left, enemies to the right: The politics of the wider Gaelic world and the collapse of the MacDonald Lordship of the Isles, c.1460–1500

Francis Kelly (UCC): Brian O’Rourke and the Spanish Armada

Connie Kelleher (TCD): Ireland's golden age of pirates: Early seventeenth-century piracy in Southwest Munster in the Stuart period

James O’Neill (QUB): 
Half-moons and villainous work: Gaelic fortifications and the Nine Years war

Dr Benjamin Hazard (UCC): 
Combat medics and military medicine: Irish experience during the Tudor and Stuart period

A number of these will be worth listening to if you fancy wargaming Ireland in the 16th and 17th centuries. Listening to most of them might even make you a better, more well adjusted individual... ahem... but that's not something I can guarantee.

I must say that I haven't yet had a chance to listen to any of this years talks, but I thoroughly enjoyed last year's (including James O’Neill (QUB): Trailing pikes and turning kern: military acculturation in the Nine Years’ War) which are all still available as podcasts. Have a look at the programme here.