OGAM - Atalanta the Huntress

"This Atalanta was exposed by her father, because he desired male children; and a she-bear came often and gave her suck, till hunters found her and brought her up among themselves. Grown to womanhood, Atalanta kept herself a virgin, and hunting in the wilderness she remained always under arms." Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca 3. 9. 2 As well as the dryads in the previous post, I also recently ordered a Shadowforge 'Amazonia' gladiator. It would appear that I have a bit of a female archer fetish for my OGAM force, as along with this athletic lady, I have Artemis as one of my gods, a female centaur archer legend, and plan on getting a unit of Amazon archers when I find models with the right Skythian look. I thought I would use this figure for Atalanta, the Arkadian princess, huntress, and occasional Argonaught. Exposed by her father at birth, she was suckled by a she-bear before being found and raised by hunters. She sailed on the Argo with Jason,...