
Showing posts from September, 2016

If you go down to the woods today...

... you're in for a big surprise.  Accounts coming in from survivors tell of Mohawk war parties striking up and down the Ohio River country. The provincial government of New France had better beware, because the situation is about to get worse. Some reports even suggest that the Mohawk have been incited to this barbarity by the Anglais... In a last spurt of painting before work gets busy again, I've managed to make a start on our French and Indian War project using Blue Moon's 15mm range. I'm still waiting on some smaller bases for my British regulars, so I focused initially on 12 my Mohawk warriors, and a British captain. All the Blue moon officers carry partizans which I thought a bit cumbersome for the woods of North America, so I cut this chap's down and replaced it with a tomahawk. Due the the wash/ink used on them, they are all still woefully shiny, but nothing a quick spray of matt varnish wont fix. I just need to buy some. Any wait for a dry day wit

French Indian War - a painting preamble

Just a few bits and pieces of painting inspiration while I start looking into a new project that has fallen my way. I've agreed to put together some British and Indian forces for the French Indian War (North America's end of the Seven Years War - 1754-1763). Looks like we'll dabble in both Song of Drums and Tomahawks , and Sharp Practice 2 . Not entirely sure what I'm doing yet, but as the 27th (Inniskilling) regiment took part, and they are - sort of - the local regiment here, I thought I'd create an apocryphal company of the Skillings as the foundation of my force. The pictures below are all scoured from the net. Some are of re-enactors (obviously) and some of those are even re-enacting the 27th! At some stage, I'll have to pop down to the regimental museum and have a look see. It might also to worth picking up this wee booklet too: Available HERE

General update on activities and projects

As the days get shorter and the night draws in, I thought it would be a good time to stop for a moment and assess where I am at with various projects. It has dawned on me, over the last few months that, while it is far from a full time career, I might just be a designer/writer of wargaming rules. I never meant for it to happen, it just kind of... did. In order of publication, I can humbly hold up a portfolio comprising  Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End  (2011 - 2nd ed. 2014),  Song of Shadows and Dust  (2013),  Galleys & Galleons  (2015), and now  Faustus Furius  (2016).  In case you missed my excitement in earlier posts,  Faustus Furius  has now also been translated into Italian (thanks to  Massimo Moscarelli ). Ganesha have been selling hard copies at conventions in Italy, and the pdf should soon be available from the Ganesha website. There is also a deck of turn order cards for the super-enthused which have been finalised and should soon be available via  DriveT

Faustus Furius - Fury Road

More news in from across the web - Paul Clarke has posted a blurb and a few photos of some recent  Faustus Furius   fun he's been having in a post apocalyptic near future. He writes: " Circus Maximus.. In the World of Fire and Blood chariots are long since gone! the new Road Warriors entertain the crowds with blood and gore.. I've been trying out a new set of rules from Ganesha games.. Faustus Furius .. the game was designed for Chariot racing but the mechanics easily port over to vehicular racing.. In the Roman times they incited the mob.. In the World of Fire and Blood it's the undead! "

Faustus Furius in Bangkok

  Damon Richardson recently hosted a game of  Faustus Furius  at Battlefield Bangkok in Malaysia. These are the photos he put up on FriendFace of the game. Even if you didn't want to know about the game -  lets face it, of course you do  - you have to marvel at the brush work on those 15mm Chinese chariots.

You know you have arrived when...

... your rules are translated into another language. Rather delighted, so I was, to see Andrea from Ganesha Games posting this photo this morning.

L'Art de la Guerre - A New North Sea Empire?

After a bit of an unintended hiatus, we got another game of  L'Art de la Guerre in this weekend. I'm afraid the lighting in the room wasn't really designed for the sort of photography I was attempting with the terribly poor phone camera I was using. Sorry.  Regardless, to summarise, I wanted to try out my Kalmar Union army (Medieval Scandinavians). Now, looking to insert a link I see that I never actually posted the army up in detail. I might get to that eventually, but until such time, it looks a bit like this (except now has a tent in the camp): My arch- ADLG -nemesis, Brett, fielded his War of the Roses Lancastrians and played the part of the defender. I reasoned that, seeing such an ineffectual king in Henry VI, my Danes had decided to try and restore then North Sea empire of Cnut. And the game was afoot! The table was relatively open, with a road running through a village in the centre, another leading to a church area behind my deployment zone, and a river