'Lucky' Fuchs' Comany of Jäger

"At Jena, the Prussian army performed the finest and most spectacular maneuvers, but I soon put a stop to this tomfoolery ..." Napoleon My dear reader, allow me to introduce the sly, yet charming, Kapitän Johan Fuchs of the 1st Jäger Battalion, Prussian army. Known among his men as 'Lucky' Fuchs, the kapitän springs from an old and highly regarded military family. However, as the second son of a second son, he sadly has little money or influence himself. Physically of average stamp, his fairness of face and charm have won him the hostility of many an older husband to a younger wife. While his subsequent evasion of said husbands has proved fruitful training for his own military career, his not-undeserving reputation as a cad has been hard to shift. Fuchs' reputation for der ring-do, and his ability to slip away from his enemies with alacrity have seen him often dispatched on wide ranging missions with men of his Jäger company, far from the main Pru...