Summer gaming
A lot, but not all, of our gaming gets fully posted on here. Here are a few additional photos to give a flavour of what we've been up to over the summer so far.
Brett, Lee and I played a three way treasure island game of Galleys & Galleons. Lee was running his own squadron for the first time, so he had a number/points advantage, but he didn't need it. My two Dutch cromsters took the fight to everyone and performed remarkably well, but Lee managed to find the only treasure on the archipelago and, although I had him grappled and on the back foot in a boarding action, managed to cut his way free to victory. Brett struggled with wind issues and poor activations for much of the engagement...
Brett and I got a great game of Dan Mersey's Battle Ravens in, using the Scots warband for the first time. It was a damned near run thing and, as you can see from the second photo, the ravens were glutted that evening. My Saxons broke the
Jim, Joel and Andrew helped me test out half a game of the as yet unnamed but perhaps Shadow of Sherwood pitching three Anglo-Danish outlaw types against four archers, four sergeants, and a mounted knight in an attempt to 'rescue' the maiden. It was only half a game because we ended up talking more about the mechanics and how they might be done differently to simulate different events. What happens, for example, if a villain (an NPC controlled by the AI) is running towards and alarm, but stumbles upon the newly deceased body of a colleague? So, more work to do there...