
Showing posts from August, 2019

Sir John's posse

My wee lad loves to customise stuff - no idea where he gets that from... When he saw  Sir Guillaume , he asked if he could customise a knight too. So now, hot off the heels of family visits to Trim Castle, the National Heritage Park, and the Rock of Dunamase, I can present his small warband led by Sir John 'of Ireland'.  Sir John himself, armoured with a shield, and armed with a mace and sword. The rear of Sir John showing his coat-of-arms. As you can see, the wee man also customised up a prototype for me so I knew exactly what I was supposed to be painting. Two sergeants: one with spear and shield and the other with sword and shield.  A crossbowman to provide a bit of long range support. I suspect these will mostly be sitting on a shelf, but they will also see service in the new Robin Hood/outlaw game, and perhaps in the odd game of Song of Blades and Heroes as well.  Every boy needs to be taught how to handle himself in a scrap...

28mm Shadows over Sherwood

To defend all civilised Christians from the outlawry and heresy of the wolfsheads of Sherwood, the Sheriff of Nottingham has invited his distant cousin Sir Guillaume le Fauconnier to come and exploit the local peasantry.  All figures are Fireforge plastics - a mixture of foot knights and foot sergeants from two sprues I picked up. For the games I am intending, the eight men shown here should more than suffice to represent the villains... Sir Guillaume le Fauconnier - a knight Two sergeants with spears and shields.  Two sergeants, one with mace and shield, one armoured with a Dane axe (converted from an axe and a spear). Two crossbowmen, one armoured with a sword. One archer with a hand axe (the bow is borrowed from elsewhere and the quiver made of greenstuff).

Trouble on the Tundra

As the days lengthened and the snows were just beginning to recede, the hunters of the tribe set out secure the people's survival. A mere 12 bulk worth of meat would see the tribe through - at least for another moon. The hunters had discovered a small heard of mammoths grazing in the tundra. They had prepared a pit (centre right), and then split into two smaller parties. Lee took control of Herc, Bow and Snogg, along with Herc's new hound - Grrr (top left). I controlled Ferg, Tark and Frygga (off screen to lower left). Fergg the fire-king, Frygga with her trusty spear, and Tark the bowman. Rolling for traits, Fergg ended up with big feet. He'd be fine in an icy landscape, but would have trouble moving through thickets. Herc with his club, Grrr, Bow the bowman and Snogg the spearman. Rolling for traits, Herc turned out to be 'enthusiastic' so he would have to roll three dice every time he activated. Unbeknownst to the tribe, a small hunting party of out...

Galleys & Galleons at 1642 and all that

I have just discovered the 1642 and All That blog . And like all good discoveries, this one should be bragged about and then exploited for all it's natural resources shared. There's plenty of G&G action there, it's beautifully written, and the wee ships are great. Go now and see for yourself !

On the Waterfront: an SSD game at Pattayavium

Mark has sent through another Song of Shadows and Dust report set in his apocryphal South East Asian trading post of Pattayavium. As always, he's done a rollicking good job! **** The context  Pattayavium is my Graeco-Roman trading settlement on the shores of the Gulf of Siam. It’s a haven for misfits, miscreants, ne’er do wells, and a few sober souls. It’s an entrepôt for the country trade and, occasionally, long distance trade. There is no waterfront as such, just a sandy bay suitable for hauling ships out of the water, and loading merchandise into lighters for larger vessels moored offshore. But there is a waterfront quarter, where most of the godowns and shipping-related business is located, and it here that we set our scene. The photo shows the stage, with the actors in starting positions. See the Faction notes below to make sense of this. Feisal and his shore party are mostly in the alley at C L supervising the slaves who will load the cargo. The crew on the s...