After some time in the concept stage, the fantasy version of Irregular Wars, (working title: Fantastic Battles) got its first table top test last month. I ran a small goblin army against a smaller, meaner force of evil dwarves. The basic tenants of the game work well - more anon - but getting the nuances right will take a bit more testing. To add a bit of punch to my goblins in future games, I decided to magic-up for reinforcements from my bits box.
My goblins already have a giant lending a helping hand, but why have just one giant when you can have two? Like his compatriot, this giant is actually a prehistoric hunter from Blind Beggar Miniatures to whom I added eyelids, a captive and a horse (lunch and dinner?), and bulked out some of the furs. He'll do nicely as a 10mm giant and greatly assist the wee green chaps on their outings.
In order to make up a new goblin hero (I didn't want to buy a whole pack of 30-odd 10mm goblins for just one figure), I took a knife to a Magister Militum dark elf assassin. The elf lost his legs at the knees and received some splendid curly-toed toes in their place. I then made a little hooked nose and chin to give more character to the face, and added wee pointy ears pointing out of the cloak - just in case there was any doubt about what kind of creature he was. I have to say, I am super pleased with the result!