Troy wasn't built in a day
Slow going with ProjectTroy, but at least most of the 'first wave' of the army has arrived. Two characters, three chariots, three bases of heavy spearmen, two of elite axemen, two archers, and two skirmishers with javelins. At this point I am only waiting on some Amazons. However, still without spray undercoat, I have only managed to manually undercoat and paint the horses of the chariot group this week.For the manly element of the Trojan army I will be combining Foundry, Newline and Eureka ranges. Generally, I would say the three ranges are compatible. Eureka would be the heftiest while Newline would be slighter than the others, but they are all of a height. The big difference is probably in the level of detail and the dynamism of the poses. Again, Foundry and Eureka are comparable, while Newline poses are more static (as a general sweeping statement) and there is less detail. I'm not convinced that this is a bad thing though for rank-and-file troops. Having less detail will hopefully make them easier and faster to paint and they should rank up well.The army warlord to the left and a captain to the right. These two are effectively wearing the same panoply and it's interesting seeing two different sculptors working from the same inspirational material. The Eureka chap is slightly taller, but not in a way that would look strange on the tabletop.
The most noticeable variation between the selections I have ordered to date would be the archers. I had intended to mix a couple of Eureka archers among a unit of Newline figures to add a bit ofnudity variety. However, the hight and heft of the Eureka figures mark them out as veritable musclemen besides the Newline range. I'd not rule out using the Eureka archers, but I wouldn't mix them on the Newline bases.
The most noticeable variation between the selections I have ordered to date would be the archers. I had intended to mix a couple of Eureka archers among a unit of Newline figures to add a bit of
Next up on the painting table: charioteers and warriors, and nudie javelin skirmishers.